Cardiovascular System.txt

  1. Functions
    • Transport system
    • keeps blood continuously circulating
    • ensures continual supply of nutrients to cells
    • prevents build up of body wastes
  2. Components
    • Heart - transport system pump
    • Blood Vessels - delivery routes
    • Blood - transport medium
  3. Heart Layers
    • Pericardium
    • Epicardium
    • Myocardium
    • Endocardium
  4. Pericardium
    • Double Walled Sac - Parietal and Visceral
    • Completely Encloses the Heart
  5. Parietal Pericardium
    • Fibrous, tough, dense, loose fitting
    • Protects and anchors the heart
    • Prevents overfilling of the heart
  6. Visceral Pericardium
    • Epicardium
    • Thin, serous membrane
    • Secretes serous fluid
  7. Heart Wall (Layers of the Heart Muscles)
    • Epicardium
    • Myocardium
    • Endocarium
  8. Epicardium
    Outer surface of the heart muscle
  9. Myocardium
    • bulk of the heart (cardiac muscle tissue)
    • Forms Atria and Ventricle walls (heart chambers)
    • Primary contracting muscle
    • Intercalated Discs (hold cells together)
  10. Endocardium
    • Thin inner lining
    • Simple squamous epithelium
    • Lines Ventricles and forms heart valves
  11. Chambers of the Heart
    • 4 Chambers
    • Left and Right Atria (upper chambers - receiving)
    • Left and Right Ventricle (lower chambers - pumping)
  12. Septum
    Muscular wall between chamber
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Cardiovascular System.txt
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