Educational Psychology

  1. Development of dexterity of the fine muscles of the hand
    Small Muscle Development
  2. Development of motorskkills such as running or throwing, which involve the limbs and large muscles
    Large Muscle Development
  3. Knowledge and skills relating to reading that chlidren usually develop from experience with books and other print media before the beginning of formal reading instruction in school.
    Emergent Literacy
  4. People who are equal in age or status
  5. Actions that show respect and caring for others
    Prosocial Behaviors
  6. Play that occurs alone
    Solitary Play
  7. Play in which children engage in the same activity side by side but with very little interaction or mutual influence.
    Parallel Play
  8. Play that is much like parallel play but with increased levels of interaction in the form of sharing, turn-taking, and general interest in what others are doing
    Associative Play
  9. Play in which children join together to achieve a common goal.
    Cooperative Play
  10. Instruction in the background skills and knowledge that prepare children for formal teaching later.
    Readiness Training
  11. Programs that are designed to prepare disadvantaged children for intry into kindergarten and first grade.
    Compensatory Preschool Programs
  12. A person's perception of his or her own strengths, weaknesses, abilities, attitudes, and values.
  13. Value each of us places on our own characteristivs, abilities, and behaviors.
  14. The process of comparing oneself to others to gather information and to evaluate and judge one's abilities, attitudes and conduct.
    Social Comparison.
  15. Developmental stage at which a person becomes capable of reproduction. (they get pubes)
  16. The tendency to analyze oneself and one's own thoughts.
  17. An adolescent's premature establishement of an identity based on parental choices, not on his or her own.
  18. Inability to develop a clear direction or sense of self
    Identity diffusion
  19. Experimentation with occupational and ideological choices without definite commitment.
  20. A state of consolidation reflecting conscious, clear-cut decisions concerning occupation and ideology
    Identity Achievement
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Educational Psychology
Chapter 3 Vocab Terms