Russian Rules

  1. 4 hushers
    ш, ж, щ, ч
  2. 3 velars
    г, к, х
  3. 5 sonorants + pronunciation rule
    л, м, н, р, й

    • Consonants immediately before sonorants are
    • pronounced as they are written
  4. 5 pairs of paired consonants
    б-п, д-т, ж-ш, з-с, к-г
  5. 5 silent ones
    ф, х, ц, ч, щ
  6. weird sisters + rule

    в is influenced by consonants that come after it (voiced vs. unvoiced) but it does not influence consonants that come before it
  7. 5 low and high guy vowel pairs
    а-я, э-е, ы-и, о-ё, у-ю
  8. Rule of 7 spelling rule
    After ш, ж, щ, ч г, к, х write и not ы
  9. Rule of 5 spelling rule
    After ш, ж, щ, ч, ц, write o if the ending is stressed and e if the stem is stressed

    ex. хорош-ее but больш-ое
  10. Rule of 4 spelling rule
    After the hushers write а not я and у not ю
  11. водка effect pronunciation rule
    When the last consonant in a consonant cluster is unvoiced, all the preceding ones are also pronounced unvoiced.

    ex. Водка is pronounced [вотка]
  12. футбол effect pronunciation rule
    When the last consonant in a consonant cluster is voiced, all the preceding ones are also pronounced voiced.

    ex. футбол is pronounced [фудбол]
  13. Строганов pronunciation rule
    A paired consonant at the end of a word, which does not form a cluster with a paired consonant of an immediately following word, must be pronounced voiceless.

    ex. Я рад is pronounced [Я рат]

    Otherwise, the consonant is pronounced voiced.

    ex. наш брат is pronounced [нажбрат]

    Note: в is not one of the paired consonants
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Russian Rules
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