1. how will increasing pressure affect the following rxn
    favor forward rxn
  2. (t/f) increasing the pressure of a system will shift equilibrium so as to increase number of moles produced
    false, increase pressure will shift in favor of less moles of gas
  3. how would increasing temp affect
    favor reverse rxn
  4. isolated system? close system? open system?isothermal process?
    • isolated- CAN NOT exchange energy nor matter with surrounding
    • closed- CAN NOT exchange matter
    • open-CAN exchange both
    • isothemal process- under constant temp
  5. adiatbatic process?
    process in which no heat exchange occurs btwn the system and surounding
  6. formula for calculating heat (q) absorbed or released by a process
    • q=mc(delta t)
    • m-mass
    • c-heat capacity
    • t-temp
  7. formula for delta Hrxn
    sum of delta Hf of products -sum of delta Hf of reactants
  8. whats standard heat of formation (delta Hf)
    the enthalpy change that occurs when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states.
  9. bond dissociation energy?
    the amount of energy required to break a particular bond in one mole of gaseous molecules
  10. entropy?
    measure of disorder or randomness of a system
  11. when does a system reach maximum entropy
    at its equilibrium
  12. under what conditions will rxn with + delta H and + delta S be spontaneous?
    high temp
  13. under what conditions will rxn with - delta H and -delta S be spontaneous
    low temp
  14. whats the value of delta G at equilibrium?
  15. standard free energy delta Go
    delta G of a process at 25 oC, 1 atm, and 1 M concentration for all reactants
  16. (t/f) delta Go=-RTlnKeq
  17. (t/f) once the rxn starts
    delta G=delta Go+RTlnQ
  18. whats standard pressure in atm, mmHg, torr?
    1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr
  19. Boyle's law?
  20. Charlie's law
  21. ideal gas law
  22. unit of density for gas, and formula

  23. in what condition is the ideal gas most corret
    low pressure, high temp
  24. how do actual volume and predicted volume of gas compare at moderately high pressure? extremely high pressure?
    moderate- less than predicted

    extreme more than predicted
  25. how do actual volume and ideal volume of a gas compare at very low temp
    less than predicted
  26. Dalton's law of partial pressure
    total pressure is sum of partial pressure of each component
  27. formula for partial pressure of A
    • Pa=PtXa
    • Xa=mol of A/total mol
  28. what is effusion
    flow of gas particles under pressure from one container to another through a small opening
  29. (t/f) the rate of effusion for two molecules are directly proportional to the square root of their molar masses.
    false, the rate of effusion are inversely proportional, just as in diffusion
  30. emulsion?
    mixture of immisible liquids which are broken up into extremely small particles
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