MOD C unit 1 Test

  1. Post
  2. Megacolon
    condition of extremely large colon
  3. postprandial
    pertaining to after meal
  4. Dyspepsia
    Difficulty in Digestion
  5. Where do peristaltic waves occur
    esophagus (swallowing. forcing food into esophagus and stomach)
  6. Hepatitis
    inflammation of the liver
  7. pancreatits
    inflammation of the liver
  8. the pancreas is primarily what kind of organ
  9. Dentalgia
  10. amylase
    enzyme that breaks down starch
  11. Buccal
    pertaining to the cheek
  12. where does the esophagus end?
  13. Rectocele
    hernia of part of the rectum into the vagina
  14. what is the medical term for baby teeth?
    How many permanent teeth do we have?
    • Deciduous.
    • 32.
  15. Proctologist.
    one who specializes in the study of the anus/rectum.
  16. Sialadenitis
    inflammation of salivary gland
  17. salivary glands produce __ liters of saliva qd (everyday)
    1.5 Liters
  18. gastroenterology
    study of stomach and intestine
  19. where is chime produced?
  20. How many major sections does the LARGE intestine have?
    • 4.
    • -cecum-colon
    • -anal cavity-rectum
  21. how many regions does the SMALL intestines have?
    • 3.
    • DuodenumJejunum
    • ileium
  22. where are the sublingual glands located?
    under the tongue [beneath the mucus membrane]
  23. colonoscopy
    exam of upper portion of the colon
  24. How long does a patient fast before having a colonoscopy?
    24 hrs. (1 day)
  25. Colostomy
    Creation of new opening in colon
  26. 3 main functions of digestive system:
    • 1. absorption
    • 2. digestion
    • 3. elimination
  27. Small mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed is called?
  28. First portion of the SMALL intestines:
  29. Largest Glandular organ in body
  30. Accumulation of serous fluid in he peritoneal cavity:
  31. what is found in the oral cavity?
    • -Buccal (form the sides of chamber [mouth])
    • -Labia (lips)
    • -Gingivae (gums)
    • -hard/soft palates (providing roof of oral cavity [top of mouth])
    • -Tongues (forms the floor)
    • -Enzymes in oral cavity (saliva)
  32. Parts of the gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract) and location of each:
    -oral cavity => mouth- rectum

    • -pharynx => throat-anus
    • -Esophagus => food canal
    • -stomach =>LUQ of abdominal cavity under diaphragm
    • -small intestine
    • -large intestine
  33. chyme
    soupy mixture of bolus and stomach gland secretions
  34. Villi
    finger-like projections that helps things move along digestive tract
  35. where is bile produced and stored?
  36. absorption:
    movement of small organics into interstial fluid
  37. digestion
    chemical breakdown of food into small molecules
  38. elimination
    eliminating waste from the body
  39. pre
  40. ano
  41. -ase
  42. enter
  43. emesis
  44. medical term for indigestion
  45. mega-
  46. medical term for toothache
  47. how long is the large intestine?
    small intestine?
    • 1.5 meter.
    • 6 meters.
  48. functions of the liver?
    • 1. regulate metabolism
    • 2. largest blood reservoir in the body
    • 3. removes aged/damaged RBC's, debris, toxins, and pathogens from blood
    • 4. cells synthesize plasma proteins that determine osmotic blood concentration, nutrient transportation, established blood clotting, and complement system
  49. what type of organ is the pancreas?
    what system does it fall into?
    • exocrine.
    • endocrine.
  50. functions of the digestive system:
    • -ingestion/ digestion/ absorption/ excretion
    • -mechanical & chemical breakdown
  51. steps food takes when being eaten
    • ingestion (food into mouth) => mechanical processing (chewing) =>digestion (chemical breakdown)
    • =>secretion (release enzymes) => absorption (movement of organic molecules) => excretion (elimination)
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MOD C unit 1 Test
Digestive System