Vocabulary Cards

  1. Abjure
    • to renounce, repudiate,or retract, especially with formal solemnity, to avoid or shun
    • Synonym: recant
    • Antonym: take back
  2. Concord
    • unity,harmony, agreement,treaty; a treaty,compact,coven(peace,amity)
    • Synonym: agreement
    • Antonym:discord
  3. Confound
    • to perplex or amaze,bewilder or confuse
    • to throw into confusion or disorder
    • Synonym: astound
    • Antonym:explain
  4. Conjure
    • to affect or influce by or as if by invocation or spell
    • cast a spell
    • Synonym: beg/voodoo
    • Antonym: turn off
  5. Coveted
    • to wish for especially eagerly
    • to desire wrongfully:inordinately
    • Synonym: envy
    • Antonym: renounce
  6. Fortitude
    • mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation
    • Synonym: boldness
    • Antonym: weakness
  7. Homely
    • commonly seen or known
    • not beautiful;unattractive
    • Synonym: disgusting
    • Antonym: attractive
  8. Laudable
    • praiseworthy, deserving praise
    • commendable,admirable
    • Synonym: commendable
    • Antonym: blamable
  9. Pernicious
    • deadly fatal;causing insidious harm or ruin
    • ruinous, hurtful, injurious
    • Synonym: damaging
    • Antonym: helpful
  10. Scruples
    • misgiving,doubt, a very small portion or amount
    • Synonym: anxiety
    • Antonym: negligence
Card Set
Vocabulary Cards
List #1