1. 3 categories of enzymatic regulatory inhibition
    feedback, reversible, irreversible
  2. how does feedback inhibition regulate an enzymatic process?
    by using the end product as an allosteric inhibitor to the enzyme that catalyzing the rxn
  3. 2 types of reversible inhibitors?
    competitive and non-competitive
  4. how can a non-competitive inhibitor effect be reversed
    through adding of a compound that have a greater affinity for the inhibitor than the enzyme
  5. zymogen?
    inactive form of enzyme
  6. how is zymogen activated? example?
    it's activated when a part of it is cleaved of. as in pepsinogen and chymotrypsinogen.
  7. what are the energy carrier molecules for a cell's metabolic process?
    ATP, NAD+, NADP+, and FAD
  8. how do ATP, NAD+, NADP+, and FAD store energy?
    ATP in high energy phosphate bonds.the rest store in hight potential electrons.
  9. net reaction of glycolysis
    glucose +2ADP+2Pi+2NAD+-->2 Pyruvate+2ATP+2NADH+2H++2H2O
  10. net gain of ATP in cellular respiration
    eukaryotes=36, prokaryote=38
  11. 3 stages of cellular respiration
    pyruvate decarboxylation, kreb cycle, electron transport chain
  12. how many ATP, NADH and FADH are created in one kreb cycle?
    1 ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH
  13. cytochrome?
    molecular electron carrier in oxidative phophorylation
  14. in what phase of meiosis would one find a tetrad?
    Prophase I
  15. what is the sequence of development of a mature sperm cell
    primary spermatid, 2ndary spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatozoa,
  16. acrosome?
    enzyme containing cap-like structure on head of sperm
  17. corona radiata and zona pellucida?
    corona radiata is the outer layer of cells that surrounds the ovum. zona pellucida is the innger layer of cell surrounding the ovum.
  18. order the following embryonic stages:
    blastula, neurula, morula, gastrula, zygote
    zygote, morula, blastula, gastrula, neurula
  19. 3 primary germ layers
    ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
  20. match following structure with stage of development in which they first appear:
    1. inner cell mass
    6.neural fold

    • 1.a
    • 2.b
    • 3.c
    • 4.a
    • 5.b
    • 6.c
  21. structures from ectoderm
    integument, lens of eye, nervous system
  22. structure from endoderm
    epithelial lining of digestive/ resp tracts, parts of liver, pancreas, thyroid, and bladder
  23. structure from mesoderm
    mucsloskeletal system, circulatory system, connective tissues, excretory system, ad gonads
  24. function of ductus venosus?
    shunt blood away from fetal liver
  25. function of foramen ovale?
    divert blood away from pulmonary arteries into left atrium
  26. function of ductus arteriosus?
    shunts blood directly from pulmonary artery into aorta
  27. what trimester do skeleton and organs form
  28. placenta originate from what structure?
    from the chorion
  29. 2 major component of skeleton
    cartilage and bones
  30. intramembranous ossification?
    the transformation of mesechymal tissue into bone
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studying to be a doctore