For Church Hist. II Test 1

  1. 1/12/2011

    Gonzales says Luther sees 2 opposing forms of theology – “Theology of glory” and “Theology of the Cross”.

    Which one of these is Thomism or Nominalism?
    Theology of Glory
  2. 1/12/2011

    Luther sees 2 opposing forms of theology – “Theology of glory” and “Theology of the Cross”.

    In which of these categories does he place the mystics?
    Theology of Glory
  3. 1/12/2011

    Which 2 books of the New Testament did Luther think should be excluded from the canon?
    James & Revelation
  4. 1/12/2011

    According to Luther, are the 10 Commandments as a whole binding on Christians?
  5. 1/12/2011

    Who had Luther kidnapped and placed in protective custody as he was going home from the Diet of Worms?
    Frederick III of Saxony

    or "Frederick the wise"
  6. 1/14/2011

    Which of these is not true according to Martin Luther?
    State should Prosecute Heretics
  7. 1/14/2011

    The focal point of Luther’s theology is the dialectic of which 2 things?
    Law & Gospel
  8. 1/14/2011

    Which of these statements is true according to Martin Luther?
    Bread , wine, body, blood coexist with the body of Christ
  9. 1/14/2011

    Which of these statements is true according to Martin Luther?
    Denying infant baptism is Justification by works
  10. 1/14/2011

    After he left the Roman Catholic Church, which of these doctrines did Luther accept?
    Second Advent
  11. 1-19-2011

    Who believed the Eucharist was just a symbol / its just a memorial

    Luther or Zwingli... and how did the other disagree?

    Luther disagreed because he believed that it was not a symbol but the literal body of Christ.
  12. 1-19-2011

    Who said that Ten Commandments is our Friend Moral Law was not abolished, gospel enables us to obey it.

    Zwingli or Luther ... and how did the other disagree?

    Luther disagreed by saying that we are not bound to 10 Commandments
  13. 1-19-2011

    Who did not believe in Using the sword to advance religions believes --- but he did when it came to defending the country?

    Luther or Zwingli ... and how did the other disagree?

    Zwingli disagree because he was a pacifist.
  14. 1-19-2011

    Who thought that Church and state are separate?

    Luther or Zwingli... and how did the other disagree?

    Zwingli disagreed because he believed the Church and state are virtually merged
  15. 1-19-2011

    Who wrote wonderful hymns and what was the differece

    Luther or Zwingly and what was the diference

    Zwingli said No Church music (at all in the church)
  16. 1-19-2011

    Who siad Reject whatever Bible doesn’t enjoin – Basically … if it’s not in the Bible, ignore it.

    Zwingli or Luther

    and how did the other disagreed.

    Luther disagreed because he said if the Bible doesn’t condemn it… that it’s ok.
  17. 1-24-2011

    Which of these is not true of Wellington?
    Claim that Free Will was unscriptural
  18. 1-24-2011

    Which of these statements is true of the Leipzig interim?
    Mollified version of the Augsburg Interim
  19. 1-24-2011

    Which of these statements is true according to John Agricola?
    Law has no function in gospel preaching
  20. 1-24-2011

    Which of these statements is true according to Osiander?
    When Christ is in us God doesn't see our speck of sin, but God sees Christ's Righteous Ocean
  21. What did John Calvin believe about predestination?
    He believed in predestination – God individually predestined everyone’s destiny – (No Free will/ choice)
  22. What did Calvin believe about images? and Who was opposed to this?
    He was against images – different from Luther
  23. 1-24-2011

    What is a document generally accepted by Lutheran’s which attempted to resolve major disputes within the Lutheran communion?
    Formula of Concord.
  24. 1-31-2011

    What did Calvin say about Jesus' birth?
    At the same time Jesus was being born, the Word was filling the universe
  25. 1-31-2011

    "Member’s holiness was mark of the true church"

    Was this true or not true according to John Calvin?
    Not true
  26. 1-31-2011

    What did Calvin say about predestination?
    God determined everybody’s destiny
  27. 1-31-2011

    God Creates love of Righteousness.

    Is this statement true or not true according to John Calvin?
  28. 1-31-2011

    What was the criterion for justice according to John Calvin?
    God’s will: the criterion: justice
  29. What are the 7 points of Luther's Theology?

    1 - two views of theology

    2 - The Word of God

    3 - The Human Condition

    4 - The New Creation

    5 - The Church

    6 - The Sacraments

    7 - Two kingdoms
  30. What is theology of Glory?
    Theology of Glory : Calls evil good and good evil

    a. attempts to see God manifested in works

    b. Is blind and puffed up
  31. What are Luthers two main views on Theology?
    1 - Theology of Glory

    2 - Theology of the Cross
  32. What is the Theology of the Cross?
    Theology of cross - Calls what it actually is

    a. believes God can be rightfully spoken of and rightfully worshipeed only as seen in suffering and the cross
  33. What is Luther's view on the Word of God?
    a. The God of the Bible is always revealed in hiddeness

    b. rejects rationalism:Philosophy as an intro to theology was to be rejected because

    i. it was searching for the "absolute" or "naked" God, instead of the Hidden God of Scripture

    ii. Reason remains under the power of the devil

    c. The word of God is the starting point of all Theology

    d. Believes that traditions must be rejected in favor of Scripture

    i. anything Scripture denies we must dny

    e. did not like James or Revelation

    f. The law of Moses was for the Jews, and Christians are not Jews

    g. Rejects 10 commandments were binding on Christians

    h. Believed that 2nd Advent was soon.
  34. What is Luther's view on The Human Condition?
    a. we are all sinners: we cant' discover the dept of our sins by ourselves: sinfulness is also called flesh.

    a. Rejects free will, we can only will evil
  35. What is Luther's view on The new Creation?
    a. in Jesus Christ we are liberated - Justified/ Justification

    b. Justification by faith

    i. It's the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

    ii. Whoever is justified is still a sinner

    iii. By justification God leads us into righteousness

    iv. From imputed righteousness to righteousness
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For Church Hist. II Test 1
Questions from Quizzes