Gateways 2, Unit 2, Ch. 2

  1. "The Sahel region of Africa has ______ droughts. Something that is _____, happens often or over and over again."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 106)

    What is this 8 letters vocabulary adjective word?

  2. "Drought in the Sahel kills crops, animals, and many people. In other words, it causes ______. _____is total widespread destruction."
    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 106)

    What is this 11 letters vocabulary noun word?

  3. "During the drought in the Sahel, hungry people ate seeds to ______. To _____is to continue to live, even through difficult times and events."

    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 106)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary verb word?

  4. "Droughts get worse when animals overgraze, or feed too much on the ______. A _____is a field of grass or other plants that animals such as cows and horses like to eat."

    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 107)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary noun word?

  5. "During the drought in the Sahel, many groups and countries donate food, seeds, farm supplies, and medicine. In other words, they try to ______the region. If you _____ something, you save it from destruction."

    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 107)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary verb word?

  6. "Even after the drought ends, life in the Sahel is difficult and confusing. In other words, lives are in ______. Things are in _____ when they are confused and out of order."

    (from Gateways 2 Anthology, p. 107)

    What is this 7 letters vocabulary noun word?

Card Set
Gateways 2, Unit 2, Ch. 2
devastation, pasture, turmoil, frequent, survive, salvage