CS Dates and Vocab

  1. 1000 BC
    david rules israel
  2. david rules israel
    1000 BC
  3. 922 BC
    Kingdom splits
  4. kingdom splits
    922 BC
  5. 721 BC
    Fall of Northern Kingdowm
  6. fall of northern kingdowm
    721 BC
  7. 587 BC
    beginning of exile
  8. beginning of exile
    587 BC
  9. 538 BC
    cyrus of persia sends frees jews
  10. cyrus of persia frees jews
    538 BC
  11. 515 BC
    rededication of the temple
  12. rededication of the temple
    515 BC
  13. 332 BC
    greeks conquer holy land
  14. greeks conquer holy land
    332 BC`
  15. 166 BC
    maccabean revolt
  16. maccabean revolt
    166 BC
  17. 63 BC
    romans take over hl
  18. romans take over hl
    63 BC
  19. 5 BC
    Jesus is born
  20. 30 AD
    Jesus is crucified
  21. 70 AD
    romans destroy temple
  22. romans destroy temple
    70 AD
  23. Sadducees
    • priestly class
    • temple/worship/sacrifice
    • religiously conservative
    • politically liberal
  24. Pharisees
    • scribes/rabbis/drs of law
    • scripture
    • religiously liberal
    • politically conservative
  25. Essenes
    • ultra conservative
    • lived on their own
    • very strict rules
  26. Zealots
    • wanted military overthrow of romans
    • inspired by maccabean revolt
  27. Matthew
    • audience: jews
    • date: 80-100 AD
    • jesus the JEW, messiah
  28. Mark
    • audience: Roman church and gentile readers
    • date: 65-70 AD (1st written)
    • jesus the SUFFERING HUMAN
  29. Luke
    • audience: gentiles and christians
    • date: 85 AD
    • jesus the LIBERATOR, compassionate savior
  30. John
    • audience: early christians
    • date: 90-100 AD (last written)
    • jesus the divine SON OF GOD
  31. Parable
    • story
    • synoptic gospels
    • simile or metaphor
    • everyday life imagery
    • makes a point
    • ends with a twist or surprise
  32. 3 great christological councils
    • 1. nicaea: humanity > divinity
    • 2. ephesus: jesus = 2 persons
    • 3. chalcedon: divinity > humanity
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CS Dates and Vocab
christian scriptures dates and vocab