
  1. Seven taxa in order from kingdom to species
    kingdom phylom class order family genus species
  2. Which are more closely related members of the same? family or genus
  3. Discipline of classifying organisms
  4. Idea that living organisms come from other living organisms
  5. Similarities of modern taxonomisits use to classify living things
    • genetics
    • rna dna
  6. Eukaryotic?
    Membrane cytoplasm nuclear
  7. Which kingdom contains bacteria?
  8. similar structures that show common ancestory
    homologous stuctures
  9. What is natural selection?
    Individuals adapting to survive "survival of the fittest"
  10. Difference between food chain and food web
    • Web- shows realtionships
    • chain- shows energy being transferred
  11. Organisms that perform photosynthesis? where are they located in energy pyramid?
    Autotrophs at the very bottom
  12. Symbiosis (3 types)
    • 2 or more species living together
    • paratism
    • mutualism
    • commensalim
  13. 5 characteristics
    • 1. Reproduction
    • 2. Metabolism
    • 3. Homeostasis
    • 4. Heredity
    • 5. Cells
  14. Function of arm
    hold up microscope
  15. function of base
    holds microscope at bottom
  16. function body tube
    connects eye piece to objective lens
  17. function eyepiece
    • magnify 10%
    • what you look through
  18. what do lenses of microscope do?
    Flips object upside down and backwards
  19. what is a hyphothesis that is supported by experimentation
  20. How do you calculate total magnification?
    eye piece x objective lens
  21. define sexual and asexual reproduction
    • s- 2 people have offspring
    • as- no ganemites involved in genes
  22. Sum of all chemical processes that occur in all organisms
  23. Molecular formula for glucose
    c6 h12 o6
  24. What makes a compound organic?
    Containing carbon; proteins carbs lipids nucleic acids
  25. Function of carbohydrates like glucose?
    Provide energy
  26. What are enzymes?
    Increase chemical reacion
  27. Where are acids and basis on the pH scale?
    acids are low bases are high
  28. Whhhat are electrically charged atoms?
    Atoms with more protons
  29. What are atoms with a diff number of neutrons but same # of protons?
  30. What other info does the atomic number tell you?
    Number of protons
  31. Bond between metallic and non metallic
    Ionic bond
  32. when electrons are shared
    covalent bonding
  33. HOw many diff amino acids are there?
  34. What elements are found in proteins?
    Carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen
  35. Two types of molecules that make up the cell membrane
    Phospholipids and protein
  36. What is the function of the mitochondria
    Powerhouse of cell
  37. What diff between plant and animal cells
    Chloroplast and cell wall
  38. Diffusion of water through selectively permeable membrane
  39. Which direction will water move if there is less water on the right and more on the left? Why won't it reach equilibrium?
    Right; doesn't have starch solution on other side
  40. Thin structure which encloses a cell and controls what enters and leaves
    Cell membrane
  41. What is the mass of fibers within the nucleus of cells?
  42. JElly like substance provides meduim for chemical raction to happen
  43. Cell theory
    • 1. All organisms are made of a cell(s)
    • 2.Cells are alike in structure and composition
    • 3.All cells carry similar functions which keep them a line
    • 4. Cells come from other living cells
  44. Which organelle packages and distributes proteins?
    Golgi Apparatus
  45. What happens to a cell in hypotonic solution?
    • Lower concentration of solute
    • cell swells
  46. What happens to a cell in hypertonic solution?
    • Greater concentraion
    • cell shrinks
  47. Difference between passive and active
    Passive no energy required and active needs energy
  48. What is phagocytosis?
    Engulfs the cell
  49. LIst the properties of a cell membrane
    Selectively permeable, bi lipid layer, protein, allows things to go in/out
  50. 4 structures found in ALL cells
    cell membrane nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes
  51. Cellular respiration
    making of glucose
  52. Cellular respiration equation
    c6 h12 o6 + 6o2 ---enzymes--- 6H20 + 6co2 + ATP
  53. which molecule in the cell traps and releases energy in controlled amounts?
  54. Photosynthesis
    using light energy to make organic compounds
  55. autotrophs/heterotrophs
    • Auto- makes own food
    • hetero- eat to get energy
  56. What is the green pigment which absorbs light energy in photosynthesis
  57. Aerobic and anaerobic diffference
    • aer- with air
    • ana- no air
  58. What compound causes sore muslces from anaerobic respiration
    lactic acid
  59. What happens when a phosphate is removed from ATP?
    turns into adp and loses energy
  60. what tissure transports water in a plant
  61. what tissue transports food (sugar) in a plant?
  62. what part of the leaf is the waxy coating on the upper surface?
  63. the protoplasm of the nucleus of a cell.
  64. first to record observing cells and built the first rough microscope
  65. Small sacs with powerful digestive chemicals and built the first rough microscope
  66. What are the large clear flouid filled sacs used for storage
  67. What is the rigid outer structure made of cellulose in plant cells
    cell walls
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