Eating and Sleep Disorders.txt

  1. Parasomnia and what are the 3 types?
    Abnormal behavior during sleep...nightmares, sleep terrors, sleep walking
  2. What is dyssomnia? and what are the diff types?
    • Problem in getting to sleep or in obtaining sleep of sufficient quality
    • hyperinsomnia, insomnia, narcolepsy, breathing related, circadian rhythm sleep disorder
  3. Primary insomnia
    Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or nonrestorative sleep, for at least 1 month
  4. Primary Hypersomnia
    Excessive sleepiness for at least 1 month as evidenced by either prolonged sleep episodes or daytime sleep episodes that occur almost daily.
  5. Narcolepsy
    Irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep that occur daily over at least 3 months, plus either cataplexy or recurrent intrusions of elements of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
  6. What are the types of Anorexia Nervosa? Describe them
    • Restricting- JUST using refusal to eat
    • Binge/Purge...Binge n Purge
  7. Types of Bulimia?
    • Non-purging: fasting or exercising excessively
    • Purging: People use meds
  8. What are some contributors to Eating Disorders?
    • Biological Factors
    • Genetic predisposition to eating disorders
    • Predisposition to depression
    • Dysregulation of hypothalamus
    • Serotonin imbalances

    • Sociocultural and Psychological Factors
    • Pressures to be thin
    • Cultural norms of attractiveness
    • Use of food as a way of coping
    • Overconcern with others’ opinions
    • Rigid, dichotomous thinking style, perfectionism
    • Poor family dynamics
    • History of sexual abuse
  9. What are the different treatment options for Anorexia?
    • Hospitalization and Refeeding
    • Behavior therapy (rewards for eating)
    • Patient's feelings and family
  10. What are some treatment options for people with bulimia?
    • Cognitive therapy
    • Interpersonal therapy (evaluate real issues)
    • Supportive Expressive
    • Tricyclic Antidepressant
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Eating and Sleep Disorders.txt