Nursing Arts

  1. Apnea
    Absence of breathing.
  2. Bradypnea
    Below average or slow respiratory rate.
  3. Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
    A gradual increase and then gradual decrease in depth and rate of respirations followed by a period of apnea.
  4. Dyspnea
    Difficulty or painful breathing.
  5. Exhalation/Expiration
    Act of release of air.
  6. Hyperpnea
    Increase in respiratory rate and depth.
  7. Hyperventilation
    Abnormally prolonged and deep breathing usually associated with acute anxiety or emotional tension.
  8. Hypoxia
    O2(oxygen) content in the blood below normal.
  9. Inhalation/Inspiration
    Act of intake of air.
  10. Orthopnea
    Dyspnea so severe patient needs to sit up to breathe normally.
  11. Respiration
    Exchange of gases (O2 and CO2). oxygen and carbon dioxide
  12. Stertorous
    Breathing accompanied by snores.
  13. Stridor
    Noisy respirations with a harsh or crowing sound (as in croup).
  14. Tachypnea
    Rapid respiratory rate.
  15. Wheeze
    Noisy respirations with a whistling sound.
Card Set
Nursing Arts
Vital Signs Terminology Respiration Terms