Nursing Arts

  1. Apical Heart Rate
    The rate obtained by placing stethoscope over the apex of the chest wall and counting.
  2. Bounding Pulse
    Pulse that feels full and strong to the touch.
  3. Bradycardia
    A slow heart beat characterized by a pulse rate that is under 60 beats per minute.
  4. Elastic Pulse
    Pulse with regular alterations of weak and strong beats without changes in cycle.
  5. Intermittent Pulse
    Pulse in which beats are occasionally skipped.
  6. Irregular Pulse
    Pulse that varies in force and frequency.
  7. Pulse
    Vibration of blood against the vessel wall.
  8. Pulse Deficit
    Numerical difference between apical pulse and the radial pulse (ie: apical 101, radial 88, pulse deficit would be 13 BPM).
  9. Pulse Pressure
    Numerical difference between systolic BP and diastolic BP (ie: systolic 136mm, diastolic 76mm, the pulse pressure is 60mm).
  10. Radial Pulse Rate
    Pulse rate obtained by placing fingertips on the radial artery at the wrist.
  11. Thready Pulse
    Pulse that feels weak to the touch.
Card Set
Nursing Arts
Vital Signs Terminology - Pulse Terms