quiz #1 – transverse friction massage

  1. who developed transverse friction massage
  2. true or false – friction massages is never painful
    false – it can be painful and is often uncomfortable for patients
  3. what is the purpose of friction massage
    to break down adhesions
  4. how should a friction massage be performed
    • with the tips of one and two digits or thumb
    • with heavy pressure
    • with short strokes
    • 2 min. massage with active range of motion and ice
  5. what is the purpose of ice after a friction massage has been performed
    prevent swelling
  6. name some common sites where friction massage can be incorporated
    • patellar tendon
    • wrist extensor tendon
    • plantar fascia
    • supraspinatus tendon
    • ACL/MCL
  7. name some of the contraindications of friction massage
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • blisters, infection
    • bursitis
    • hematoma
    • over peripheral nerves
    • calcification of soft tissue
  8. how many acupuncture channels are in the body
  9. the Chinese believe that if a person had a muscle pain, weakness, or problem in general it was due to?
    a blockage of vital energy in one of the 12 channels
  10. how are acupuncture channels unblocked
    they can be unblocked by electrical stimulus, pressure, needles, etc.
  11. when applying pressure to an acupuncture pressure point how long should it last
    2 min. – using your fingers or elbow –
  12. what is intermittent pneumatic compression
    it is pressure applied to the extremities to promote venous blood moving to the heart
  13. what is arterial blood pressure in mm hg
    120/80 mm hg
  14. what is venous blood pressure in mm hg
    25 mm hg
  15. what is hydrostatic pressure
    is the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium due to the force of gravity.
  16. define osmotic pressure
    is the pressure applied by a solution to prevent the inward flow of water across a semipermeable membrane.
  17. What is reflexology?
    • foot is mapped out for regions of the body, where energy travels
    • put firm pressure on 10 different zones throughout the foot
  18. What are indications for intermittent pneumatic compression?
    • edema (traumatic or chronic lyphedema)
    • stump reduction in amputated limbs
    • DVT prevention
    • wound healing
  19. What are contraindications for intermittent pneumatic compression?
    • acute pulmonary edema (increases stress on heart & lung)
    • coronary heart failure (increases stress on heart & lung)
    • recent or acute DVT (can make DVT travel to heart & lung)
    • fracture (can cause movement)
    • infection (can cause spreading)
  20. What is the ASTYM approach?
    • soft tissue treatment designed to identify and stimulate dysfunctional tissue
    • effective for conditions involving soft tissue scarring, adhesion, and degeneration
  21. When is ASTYM indicated?
    • excessive or dysfunctional scarring/fibrosis
    • chronic/degenerative tendinopathies
    • soft tissue with limited mobility or contractility
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quiz #1 – transverse friction massage
transverse friction massage