
  1. normal behavior disorders (3)
    statistically, society, degree of impairment on the individual
  2. statistically
    • mean-average
    • median-the middle
    • mode-repeated number;most common
  3. society
    sets a norm
  4. abnormal behavior disorders (2)
    • organic, functional
  5. organic
    • physiologically there is something wrong affecting your behavior
    • -glands not working properly
  6. functional
    • not able to adjust to environment; cant cope.
    • -10% of pop. in US with behavior disorders
    • -50% medical or surgical cases have behavioral complication
  7. nerosis; syptoms:
    mild behavior disorder; anxiety, fidget, phobia, obssesive-compulsive, hypochondria.
  8. anxiety
  9. fidget
    tapping, clicking pen
  10. phobia
    afraid of something
  11. acrophobia
    afraid of heights
  12. mysophobia
    fear of contamination
  13. nyctophobia
    fear of darkness
  14. algophobia
    fear of pain
  15. astraphobia
    fear of lightening/thunder
  16. hemophobia
    fear of blood
  17. monophobia
    fear of being alone
  18. ochlophobia
    fear of crowds
  19. pathophobia
    fear of disease
  20. pyrophobia
    fear of fire
  21. zoophobia
    fear of animals
  22. triskaidekaphobia
    fear of number 13
  23. hypochondria
    exaggerating every symptom with regards to health
  24. 4 types of neurosis
    conversion reaction (hysteria), dissociative reaction, anxiety reaction, psychosomatic disorder
  25. conversion reaction
    psychological disturbance that shows through the body
  26. dissociative reaction
    personality traits and memory disconnect
  27. amnesia
    do not remember
  28. fugue
    change in geographic location and dont remember moving; cant recall what happens
  29. multiple personality
    within you there is a different person; different personality within you.
  30. anxiety reaction
    main symptom is anxiety; carrying a stress with you constantly.
  31. psychosomatic disorder
    worry/anxiety causing high blood pressure, obesity, etc...
  32. psychosis
    severe behavior disorder
  33. insanity
    determine whether you are sane or not sane; a legal term
  34. 3 psychotic types
    manic-depression/bipolar, schizophrenia, paranoid reaction
  35. manic-depression/bipolar
    extreme mood swings, leads to suicide
  36. schizophrenia
    total disinegration of personality; splitting of mind
  37. dementia praecox
    youthful illness; late teens early 20's
  38. functional
    not adjusting to society; cant cope with situations
  39. physiological
    physical problem
  40. 4 types of schizophrenia
    • simple-apathy
    • hebephrenic-regressive/ childlike; extremely immature
    • catatonic- become very negative then go into a catatonic stupor where they stare into space
    • paranoid-suspicious of people; dont trust
  41. paranoid reaction
    very complex persistant extremely specific paranoia
  42. organic psychosis
    • acute-temporary; reversible brain damage
    • chronic-permanent
  43. 3 types of organic psychosis
    paresis, senile psychosis, alcoholic psychosis
  44. paresis
    person gets syphillus and it goes untreated and then infects the brain
  45. senile psychosis
    body starts to deteriorate due to old age
  46. alcoholic psychosis
    alcoholics; .50 pass out .55 die
  47. 4 types of alcoholic psychosis
    • delerium tremens-DT's; trembling of hands; person is confused, hallucinate
    • acute hallucinosis- hear voices
    • korsakoffs psychosis- person that has been drinking over the years; affects liver, brain, etc.
    • pathological intoxication- become viloent, angry, commit crimes
  48. emetine
    drug used to keep one from drinking; nausea, makes one sick.
  49. personality disorder; 5 types:
    generally not in hospitals; schizoid per., paranoid, passive agressive, compulsive personality, sociopath
  50. schizoid per.
    usually not in mental hopitals; eccentric-odd, thinking is different; emotionally cold- show no emotion toard sentimental things
  51. passive agressive
    • show agression in many different ways
    • passive dependent- cling
    • passive aggressive- pout
    • aggressive per.- unprovoked, shows aggression
  52. compulsive personality
    rigid standard is set; normal people; obbsessed with standards
  53. sociopath
    individual has little or no sympathy toward regulation
  54. anti-social reaction
    con man
  55. dyssocial reaction
    individualthat grows up in an area with a lot of crime; criminals become heros
  56. sexual deviation
    normal behavior as fas as sexuality and start moving away from it
  57. 4 types of treatment
    physical treatment, social environment, individual treatment, condition process
  58. physical treatment
    drug therapy, ECT
  59. social environment
  60. individual treatment
    support therapy/ group; psychotherapy, supportive, psychanalysis, psychodrama
  61. condition process
    behavior midification- change behavior; aversion- avoid; desensitization- not faimilar with and make more comfortable, implosion- face the fear
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