French adjectives French to English
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Mon amie est
My friend is strong (f)
Mon amie est blonde
my friend is blond (f)
Mon amie est timide
My friend is shy (f)
Mon amie est rousse
My friend is red-headed (f)
Mon amie est intelligent
My friend is intelligent (f)
Mon amie est généreuse
My friend is generous (f)
Mon amie est marrante
My friend is funny (f)
Mon amie est brune
My friend is brunnette (f)
Mon amie est châtaine
My friend is black haired (f)
Elle est grande
She is big
Elle est petite
She is small
Elle est gentille
She is gentil
Elle est sympathique (sympa)
She is kind
Elle est méchante
She is mean
Elle est créative
She is creative
Elle est sérieuse
She is serious
Elle est sportive
She is athletic
Elle a les cheveux courts.
She has short hair
Elle a les cheveux longs
She has long hair
Elle est grosse
She is fat
Elle est géniale
She is awesome
Elle est paresséuse
She is lazy
Il est fort
He is strong
Il est blond
He is blond
Il est timide
He is shy
Il est roux
He is red-headed
Il est intelligent
He is intelligent
Il est généreux
He is generous
Il est marrant
He is funny
Mon ami est brune
My friend is brunette (m)
Mon ami est châtain
My friend is brown haired (m)
Mon ami est grand
My friend is tall (m)
Mon ami est petit
My friend is small (m)
Mon ami est méchant
My friend is mean (m)
Mon ami est gentil
My friend is gentle (m)
Mon ami est sympathique (sympa)
My friend is kind (m)
Mon ami est sportif
My friend is athletic (m)
Mon ami est créatif
My friend is creative (m)
Les adjectifs
The adjective
Il est gros
He is fat
Il est mince
He is skinny
Il est génial
He is awesome
Il est paresseux
He is lazy
Il est pénible
He is annoying
Card Set
French adjectives French to English
French adjectives
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