Chapter 7

  1. abhor
    (v) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply; detest; despise; abominate
  2. amend
    (v) to change in a formal way; to change for the better; modify; improve; correct
  3. buffet
    (v) to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one's way with difficulty; (n) a slap or blow; batter; sock; thump; pummel; toss about
  4. chaos
    (n) great confusion, disorder; anarchy; turmoil; pandemonium
  5. commodious
    (adj) roomy, spacious; comfortable; ample; capacious
  6. corrosive
    (adj) eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic; caustic; mordant; acidulous; spiteful
  7. discern
    (v) to see clearly, recognize; perceive; detect; distinguish
  8. extant
    (adj) still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost; surviving; in existence
  9. implicate
    (v) to involve in; to connect with or be related to; incriminate; entangle
  10. inter
    (v) to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion; unearth; exhume
  11. martinet
    (n) a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules; taskmaster; slave driver
  12. obviate
    • (v) to anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of; preclude; forestall; ward off
    • renegade
  13. (n)one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw (adj) traitorous; unconventional, unorthodox; turncoat; defector; heretic
  14. (adj) deserving blame or punishment; objectionable; blameworthy; culpable; odious
  15. (adj) dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit; mournful; dismal
  16. (adj) filthy, wretched, debased; dingy; sordid; foul; vile; abject
  17. (adj) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy; tumultuous; unruly; agitated
  18. (adj) loud and noisy; compelling attention; clamorous; uproarious; blustering
  19. (adj) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length; bulky; massive; copious; plentiful
  20. (v) to do without, give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily, defer; decline; relinquish; forgo
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Chapter 7
English Vocab