Nursing Arts

  1. Arrhythmia
    Abnormal heart rhythm.
  2. Arteriosclerosis
    Hardening, thickening and loss of elasticity (narrowing) of the arterial wall.
  3. Atherosclerosis
    Narrowing of the arterial lumen caused by deposits of fatty plaques along the internal wall of the artery.
  4. Blood Pressure
    • Force exerted by the blood against the arterial/vessel wall.
    • When the heart contracts and relaxes
  5. Blood Volume
    Total amount of circulating blood.
  6. Cardiac Output
    Amount of blood ejected from the heart per minute.
  7. Diastolic Pressure
    Lowest pressure against wall of the artery, during relaxation of the ventricle of the heart.
  8. Essential Hypertension
    Elevated blood pressure (in hypertensive range) without known cause.
  9. Hypertension
    Diastolic measurement over 80mm.
  10. Hypotension
    Blood pressure lower than the normal range - 80mm systolic is necessary for renal perfusion.
  11. Korotkoff Sounds
    Sounds or beats heard through the stethoscope while cuff is being deflated. First sound heard represents systolic, last sound heard represents diastolic.
  12. Intermittent Hypertension
    Blood pressure elevates a small amount over the normal range, from time to time, without cause. Patient should be watched for development of hypertensive symptoms.
  13. Malignant Hypertension
    Progressive hypertension which produces severe symptoms and has a poor prognosis if left untreated.
  14. Meniscus
    Curved surface at the top of column of liquid in a tube.
  15. Palpatory Blood Pressure
    Method of obtaining BP whereby brachial or radial artery is palpated while deflating the BP cuff.
  16. Peripheral Resistance
    Opposing force of the vessel against the blood; pertaining to ther health and elasticity of the vessel.
  17. Sphygmomanometer
    Instrument used for measurement of arterial blood pressure.
  18. Stethoscope
    Instrument used for auscultation of Korotkoff sounds.
  19. Stroke Volume
    Amount of blood ejected from heart per contraction.
  20. Systolic
    Represents pressure exerted on arteries during heart contraction (when at its highest).
  21. Viscosity
    Thickness of blood; ease with which blood flows through the vessel.
Card Set
Nursing Arts
Nursing Arts Vital Signs Terminology Blood Pressure