quiz #1 – nutrition for the physical therapist – part one.txt

  1. what is nutrition?
    nutrition is a science that studies food and how food nourishes our bodies and influences our health. It encompasses how we consume, digest, metabolize store nutrients and how these nutrients affect our bodies
  2. what is malnutrition?
    malnutrition includes deficiencies of nutrients, imbalances, and excesses, any of which can take a toll on health over time
  3. why should a physical therapist know about nutrition?
    The physical therapist needs to know about nutrition in order to effectively treat their patients

    to help promote good eating habits
  4. what types of patients will physical therapist treat that have a nutrition issue?
    • patients with high blood pressure
    • patients with diabetes
    • patients with eating disorders
  5. what is a nutritionist?
    a nutritionist has a formal education in food and food science and some have a master of science in our certified
  6. what is a dietician?
    they have a bachelor of science degree in food science, clinical internships under direction of licensed dietitian, and they must pass a licensure exam to become a licensed dietitian

    Must complete a minimum of 15 CEU's per year
  7. why do we eat what we eat?
    • Advertising
    • availability
    • convenience
    • emotional comfort
    • ethnic heritage
    • habit
    • etc.
  8. true or false – the daily diet for weight reduction should have adequate amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins but should furnish less than daily requirements for kilocalories
  9. true or false – margarine and butter contain the same amount of calories?
  10. true or false – food allergies and food intolerances are the same thing
  11. true or false – a well person who eats the right kinds and amounts of food every day generally does not need vitamin pill to meet RDA
  12. true or false – skipping meals is a good way to lose weight safely
  13. true or false – children should not have dessert unless they clean their plates
  14. true or false – calcium supplements are the best way to increase calcium intake if one doesn't like milk
  15. true or false – the risk of heart disease can be reduced by following a diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium
  16. true or false – white bread is just as good for you as wheat bread
  17. all of this, olive oil, avocados, and most notes are low in saturated fat and moderate amounts are fine for a low cholesterol diet
  18. true or false – people with diverticulitis should eat dried beans and peas because they are high in fiber, depend on individual tolerance
  19. true or false – an obese woman should lose weight if she becomes pregnant
  20. true or false – children should be forced to eat vegetables for their own good
  21. true or false – it is impossible for elderly people to develop muscle mass
  22. true or false – not all food additives are harmful
  23. true or false – excessive protein intake can lead to weight gain
  24. true or false – a teenager needs more milk every day that a preschooler
  25. what are nutrients?
    essential chemicals in foods that the body needs for normal functioning and good health.

    They must come from the diet because they either can't be made in the body or they can be produced in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of the body
  26. what are the six essential nutrients?
    • Carbohydrates
    • protein
    • lipids
    • vitamins
    • minerals
    • water
  27. what are three macronutrients?
    Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
  28. what are three micronutrients?
    vitamins, minerals, and water
  29. what is an example of a carbohydrate?
    bread, pasta, etc.
  30. what is an example of a protein?
    beat, meets, etc.
  31. what is an example of the lipid?
  32. what are macronutrients?
    Macronutrients are nutrients that are required in relatively large amounts in the diet and provide energy to the body in the form of kilocalories
  33. what are the three general functions of nutrients?
    • regulate body processes
    • contribute to body structures
    • provide fuel for energy
  34. how do nutrients regulate body processes?

    • fats provide the starting materials for hormones
    • vitamins regulate energy production, blood clotting and calcium balance
    • minerals control fluid balance and regulate muscle contraction
  35. how do nutrients contribute body structures?

    • proteins build and maintain body structures like muscle
    • fats provide structures for cells
    • minerals build bones and teeth
  36. 1 g of protein =?
    4 kcal
  37. 1 g of carbohydrates =?
    4 kcal
  38. 1 g of fat =?
    9 kcal
  39. 1 g of alcohol =?
    7 kcal
  40. true or false – alcohol is not a nutrient it is a toxin, but it does provide energy to the body
  41. what does the REE stand for?
    resting energy expenditure
  42. what is the resting energy expenditure?
    The amount of energy required to maintain vital organ function in a resting state
  43. what is the resting energy expenditure correlated with
    lean body mass

    So regular physical activity that increases body mass can increase resting energy expenditure
  44. define adequacy
    are you getting adequate amounts of all six essential nutrients
  45. define moderation
    official serving size versus your serving size
  46. define variety
    the amount the color on your plate
  47. balance
    providing a number of food types in proportion to each other
  48. what is nutrient density?
    a measure of nutrients provided per calorie of food
  49. know how to calculate total energy expenditure and resting energy expenditure
  50. how many minutes of daily exercise showed the average adult do every day
    30 min.
  51. how much sodium should be consumed daily?
    less than 2300 mg
  52. what percentage of daily calories should come from total fat intake?
    20 – 30%

    And less than 10% of calories should be from saturated fats and less than 300 mg of cholesterol daily
  53. how many minutes of exercise should a person perform in order to prevent gradual weight gain that occurs over time?
    60 min. of moderate to vigorous physical activity
  54. how many minutes of exercise should a person perform in order to sustain weight loss?
    60 – 90 min. of moderate – intensity physical activity
  55. realistic serving sizes

    Deck of cards – 3 ounces
  56. realistic serving sizes

    One dice – 1 ounce
  57. realistic serving sizes

    Soft drink?
    8 ounces = 1 serving
  58. realistic serving sizes

    Baked potato?
    The size of your fist
  59. realistic serving sizes

    Postage stamp
  60. what's on a food label?

    Five things
    • statement of identity
    • the net contents of the package
    • name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor
    • list of ingredients
    • nutritional information
  61. defined extra lean
    less than 5 g of fat, 2 g of saturated fats, and 95 mg of cholesterol/serving
  62. define low fat
    3 g or less per serving
  63. define light
    50% or less fat than comparison food or one third fewer calories than comparison food
  64. low calorie
    40 cal or fewer per serving
  65. high fiber
    5 g or more per serving
  66. know how to read food labels!
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quiz #1 – nutrition for the physical therapist – part one.txt