P.E- Chapter 1-National Physical Activity Guidlines

  1. What are the NPAG recommendations for exercise
    -30 mins moderate intensity activity everyday

    -think of movement as an opportunity not inconvenience

    -be active everyday in as many ways as possible

    -enjoy regular vigorous excercise
  2. What are NPAG recommendations for adults for
    • Frequency- 5-7 days a weeks
    • Intensity- moderate
    • Duration- 30 mins, can be accumulated across the day
    • Type- wide range of activities, also include vigorous activity 3-4 times a week
  3. What are NPAG recommendations for youths (12-18) for
    • Frequency- everyday
    • Intensity- moderate-vigorous
    • Duration- 60 mins to several hours
    • Type- wide range of activities, include weight bearing and impact type activities
    • Do not spend more than 2 h a day on electronic media for entertainment
  4. What are NPAG recommendations for 5-12 y/o for
    • Frequency- Everyday
    • Intensity- moderate to vigorous activity is recommended
    • Duration- At least 60 mins- Children will be active in intermittent bursts of a several seconds to several seconds
    • Type- broad range including individual and team sports or any sort of 'active play'
  5. What are NPAG recommendations for 1-5 y/o for
    • Frequency- everyday
    • Intensity- ranging from light to moderate activity
    • Duration- at least 3 hours a day- children are always 'on the go' and will accumulate this naturally
    • Type- lots of 'active play' to build foundations of vital physical, mental and social skills
  6. What are NPAG recommendations for 0-1 y/o
    • Supervised, floor-based play in safe environments should be encouraged from early age
    • Daily opportunity to move around on stomachs/backs
    • Include such movements as reaching, grasping, pulling, pushing as well as play with object/toys
  7. What are NPAG recommendations for overweight people for
    • Frequency- everyday
    • Intensity- low-moderate depending on condition
    • Duration- at least 60 mins, can be accumulated across the day
    • Type- include aerobic type activities
  8. What are NPAG recommendations for overweight people for
    • Frequency -do some form of activity every day regardless of age, weight, health
    • Intensity -start at an easily manageable level of P.A and then gradually build from that
    • - enjoy vigorous activity but heed safety procedures and guidelines
    • Duration - 30 mins of moderate activity on most if not all days
    • Type - be active in as many ways as possible- broad range of activities
Card Set
P.E- Chapter 1-National Physical Activity Guidlines
Monitoring physical activity