
  1. desist
    • 그만두다
    • <>begin, continue, onset
    • injunction:desist
  2. commencement
    • 학위수여식, 시작
    • <>cessation
  3. perpetuation
    • 영원
    • <>cessation
  4. inception
    • 시작
    • <>end, finale, termination
  5. ceasing
    • 중단된
    • <>constant
  6. halt
    • 멈추다
    • halt:recess
  7. recess(2)
    • 1. 휴업
    • 2. 움푹파인, 벽감의
    • halt:recess
  8. episodic
    • 가끔씩 발생하는
    • <>continuous
  9. onset
    • 시작
    • <>end
  10. injunction
    • 법원금지명령
    • injunction:desist
  11. interdict
    • 금지명령
    • <>authorize
  12. clement
    • 자비로운
    • =mild,lenient,relenting
    • <>severe,harsh,relentless,pitiless
    • clemency<>ruthlessness
  13. relenting
    • 자비로운
    • =clement
  14. inclement
    • 좋지못한, 궂은
    • <>mild
  15. coalesce
    • 합치다
    • <>grow apart,disaggregate,sunder,break apart,bifurcate,polarize,seperate
  16. bifurcate
    • 두갈래로 나뉘다
    • <>coalesce
  17. cement
    • 합치다
    • <>sever
  18. sever
    • 자르다,단절하다
    • <>cement
  19. watershed(2)
    • 1. 분수령 <> confluence
    • 2. 터닝포인트(important)<>routine
  20. cogent
    • 논리적으로 타당한(coherent, sound)
    • <>unconvincing, unsound
    • cogent:validity::germane:pertinence
  21. germane
    • 적절한
    • cogent:validity::germane:pertinence
  22. pertinence
  23. telling
    • 효력이 있는
    • <>ineffective, meaningless, unconvincing
  24. compunction
    • 양심의 가책(contrite,contrition,penitent,remorseful,regenerate)
    • <>absence of misgiving, unrepentant
  25. misgiving(2)
    • 1. 불안한, 염려되는
    • 2. 양심의 가책을 느끼는 (=qualm)
  26. qualm
    거리낌, 양심의 가책
  27. contrite
    • 깊이 뉘우치는, 회한에 찬
    • contrite,regretful:apologize::grateful:thank
  28. penitent
    • 뉘우치는, 참회하는
    • penitent:regret,contrition
  29. conscience
    • 양심
    • lack of conscience<>scrupulosity,probity
  30. scrupulosity
    • 꼼꼼함
    • lack of conscience<>scrupulosity,probity
  31. probity
    • 정직성(도덕성 있는)
    • lack of conscience<>scrupulosity,probity
  32. remorseful
    • 양심의 가책을 느끼는
    • <>impenitent
  33. regenerate
    • 개과천선한
    • <>impenitent
  34. craven
    • 소심한
    • craven:courage::callous,remorseless:compassion
  35. callous
    • 무감각한
    • craven:courage::callous,remorseless:compassion
  36. remorseless
    • 동정심이 없는
    • craven:courage::callous,remorseless:compassion
  37. confound
    • 혼동시키다
    • =baffle
    • <>go straight, enlighten
  38. baffle
    당황하게 만들다, 이해할 수 없다
  39. luculent
  40. befuddle
    • 혼동시키다
    • befuddle:understanding
  41. baffling
    • 혼동시키는
    • bafflling:confusion::bewitching:temptation
  42. bewitching
    • 넋을 빼놓는, 황홀한
    • baffling:confusion::bewitching:temptation
  43. puddle
    • 물웅덩이
    • puddle:lake::pebble:boulder
  44. pebble
    • 작은돌
    • puddle:lake::pebble:boulder
  45. boulder
    • 큰돌
    • puddle:lake::pebble:boulder
  46. consummate
    • 최고의, 완벽한
    • <>amateurish
  47. content
    • 만족
    • <>avaricious, disaffected
  48. disaffected
    • 불만을 품은
    • <>content
    • disaffected:contentment::dubious:conviction::dishonest:integrity
  49. integrity
    • 정직
    • disaffected:contentment::dishonest:integrity
  50. dubious
    • 의심하는,의심할만한
    • <>certain, evident
    • disaffected:contentment::dubious:conviction
  51. malcontent
    • 불만을 품은사람
    • malcontent,grouch:complaining::wag:droll
  52. grouch
    • 불평꾼
    • malcontent,grouch:complaning::wag:droll
  53. wag
    • 농담하기를 즐기는 사람
    • malcontent,grouch:complaning::wag:droll
  54. droll
    • 우스꽝스러운
    • malcontent,grouch:complaining::wag:droll
  55. disgruntled
    • 불만스러워하는
    • <>rapturous
  56. rapturous
    • 황홀해하는,기뻐하는
    • <>disgruntled
  57. chagrin
    • 언짢음
    • <>content,cheer,delight,proud satisfaction,elation
  58. elation
    • 의기양양함
    • <>chagrin
  59. gripe
    • 불만
    • gripe:discontent::praise:admiration
  60. contiguous
    • 인접한
    • <>disjunctive
    • simultaneous:coincide::contiguous:abut
  61. abut
    • 인접한
    • simultaneous:coincide::contiguous:abut
  62. continuum
    • 인접, 연결
    • <>intermission,unrelated element
  63. intermission
    • 중지,휴지
    • <>continuum
  64. contravene(2)
    • 1. 위법하다
    • 2. 의견에 반대하다
    • <> observe/support,champion,uphold,espouse
  65. uphold(2)
    • 1. 지지하다 <> contravene
    • 2. 유지하다 <> maintain
  66. espouse
    • 지지하다
    • <> contravene
  67. repudiate
    • 철회하다(주장,신념을)
    • <> espouse
  68. renounce
    • 철회하다
    • <>embrace
  69. contretemps
    • (공교로운, 뜻밖의)사건, 재앙
    • (unforeseen,inopportune)
    • <> opportune,occurrence,felicitousness
  70. felicitousness
    • happy,lucky
    • <>contretemps
  71. euphoric
    • happy
    • <>infelicitous
  72. infelicitous
    • 불행한
    • <>euphoric, happy
  73. calamitous
    • 재앙의,불행한
    • <>felicific
  74. felicific
    • 행복한
    • <>calamitous
  75. dire
    • 재앙의
    • <>trivial, auspicious
  76. auspicious
    • 길조의
    • <>dire
  77. beatific
    • 천사,기쁨,축복의
    • <>dreadful
  78. blissful
    • 천상의 기쁨의
    • <>dreadful
    • pleasant:blissful(degree)
  79. dreadful
    • 끔찍한
    • <>beatific, blissful
  80. conundrum
    • 난제(riddle)
    • conundrum:perplexing::polemic:contentious
  81. riddle
  82. perplexing
    • 난처하게하는, 당황하게 하는
    • conundrum:perplexing::polemic:contentious
  83. polemic
    • 격렬한 비판
    • conundrum:perplexing::polemic:contentious
  84. contentious
    • 논쟁을 좋아하는, 논쟁의
    • conundrum:perplexing::polemic:contentious
  85. crux
    • 핵심
    • <>pettiness,periphery,unimportant part
  86. pettiness
    • 사소함, 하찮음
    • <>crux
  87. periphery
    • 주변, 주변부
    • <>crux
  88. craving
    • 심한열망(coveting, hankering)
    • <>aversion, indifference, rebuff
  89. rebuff
    • 퇴짜
    • <>approve
  90. spurn
    • 경멸하여 거절하다
    • crave<>spurn,scorn
  91. scorn
    • 경멸하다
    • crave<>spurn,scorn
  92. credulous
    • 너무 잘 믿어서 잘 속는
    • <>skeptical, suspicious
  93. suspicious
    • 의심많은
    • <>credulous
  94. discernment
    • 안목, 식별
    • gullibility:discernment::misconduct:rectitude
  95. misconduct
    • 비행,불법행위
    • gullibility:discernment::misconduct:rectitude
  96. rectitude
    • 정직,청렴
    • gullibility:discernment::misconduct:rectitude
  97. mulish
    • 고집이 센
    • incredulous,mulish:persuade
  98. credence
    • 신뢰
    • <> skepticism,distrust,doubt,doubtfulness
  99. cultivate
    • 재배하다, 기르다(help)
    • <> cause to wither, stunt, impede, withhold sustenence from, neglect
  100. stunt
    • 성장을 저해하다
    • <>cultivate
  101. impede
    • 막다, 방해하다
    • <> promote
  102. sustenance
    영양공급, 자양물
  103. salubrious
    • 건강에 좋은
    • <> noxious
  104. nourishing
    • 영양분이 되는
    • <> noxious
  105. punctilious
    • 매우 까다로운
    • punctilious:dawdler::cultivated:philistine
  106. philistine(2)
    • 1. 문외한
    • 2. 무례한 사람
    • punctilious:dawdler::cultivated:philistine
  107. sustain(3)
    • 1. (영양공급을) 유지하다 <>terminated, quit
    • 2. support <> weaken/restrict
    • 3. prolong <> abbreviate
  108. forage
    • 먹이, 먹이를 찾아 헤매이다
    • forage:sustenance::canvass:support
  109. canvass(3)
    • 1. 철저조사
    • 2. 여론조사
    • 3. 선거청탁
    • forage:sustenance::canvass:support
  110. foliage
    • 잎들
    • foliage:leaf::fur:hair
  111. defoliant
    • 고엽제
    • defoliant:leaves::antiseptic,disinfectant,aseptic:germ::herbicide:weed
  112. antiseptic
    • 살균제
    • defoliant:leaves::antiseptic,disinfectant,aseptic:germ
    • antiseptic:infection::veto:enactment
  113. disinfectant
    • 소독제, 살균제
    • defoliant:leaves::antiseptic,disinfectant,aseptic:germ
  114. aseptic
    • 무균성의
    • defoliant:leaves::antiseptic,disinfectant,aseptic:germ
  115. enactment
    • 입법
    • antiseptic:infection::veto:enactment
  116. sterile
    • 살균상태의
    • impeccable:flaw::sterile:germ
  117. plumage
    • 깃털
    • foliage:bush::plumage:bird
  118. curt(2)
    • 1.laconic
    • 2.무례한
    • curt:words::parsimonious:resource,money
  119. parsimonious
    • 인색한
    • curt:words::parsimonious:resource,money
  120. resourceful
    • 독창적 생각으로 어려움을 헤쳐나가는,
    • resourceful:inventiveness
  121. verbiage
    • 장황함
    • <>succint speaking
  122. dab
    • 가볍게 색칠하다
    • <> coat thoroughly
  123. dabbler
    아마추어, 취미로 하는 사람
  124. dank
    • 기분 나쁘게 축축한
    • <>arid
    • dank:moisture::sweltering:heat
  125. sweltering
    • 무더위에 지치게 만드는
    • dank:moisture::swertering:heat
  126. torrid
    • 몹시더운
    • <>arctic,frigid,icy
  127. frigid
    • 몹시 추운
    • <>torrid
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