Chemistry Lect 2

  1. How much space will 1 mol of gas occupy at STP
    • 22.4 L
    • STP: 0° C and 1 atm
  2. At lower temps, dense gasses ___.
    settle below less dense gases
  3. Ideal Gas Law:
    • PV = nRT
    • R: 0.08206 L atm/K/mol
  4. Ideal Gases
    • Make completely elastic collisions
    • Exert no forces except to repulsive forces due to collisions
    • Molecules have zero volume
    • The ave kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temp of the gas
  5. Kinetic Energy Equation for Ideal Gases
    K.E. = 3/2 RT
  6. Velocity of Ideal Gas Molecules
    • v1/v2 = sqrt(m2) / sqrt(m1)
    • m: mass of the gas molecules
  7. Diffusion/Effusion Rate
    • Eff Rate1 / Eff Rate2 = sqrt (M2) / sqrt (M1)
    • M: molecular weight
  8. What causes deviation from ideal gas behavior?
    Increased Pressure and Decreased Temps
  9. Chemical Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
    • Kinetics: how fast equilibrium is reached
    • Thermodynamics: what equilibrium looks like
  10. What are reaction rates dependent on?
    • Temp, Pressure, and Concentration
    • T.P.C.
  11. Equilibrium
    • the point of greatest entropy
    • there is no net change in concentration
    • Keq = products / reactants
  12. Increasing temp ___ the solubility of a salt.
    • Increases
    • This is always true, even if the rxn is exothermic
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Chemistry Lect 2
Gases, Kinetics, and Chemical Equilibrium