English3 Vocabulary 1

  1. absolutes
    terms free from limitation or controls (best, worst, all, everyone, unique)
  2. adage
    a familiar proverb or wise saying
  3. allegory
    a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions
  4. ad hominem argument
    an argument attacking an individual's character rather than his or her position on an issue
  5. alliteration
    the repetition of initial sounds in successive or neighboring words
  6. allusion
    a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical
  7. analogy
    a comparison of two different things which are similar in some way
  8. anaphora
    the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences
  9. anecdote
    a brief narrative which focuses on a particular incident or event
  10. antecedent
    the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers
  11. antithesis
    a statement in which two opposing ideas are balanced
  12. aphorism
    a concise statement which expresses succinctly a general truth or idea, often using rhyme or balance
  13. apostrophe
    a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstractionism
  14. archetype
    a detail, image, or character type that occurs frequently in literature and myth and is thought to appeal in a universal way to the unconscious and to evoke strong responses
  15. argument
    a statement of the meaning or main point of a literary work
  16. asyndeton
    an expression in shich elements are presented in a series without conjunctions
  17. balanced sentence
    a sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast
  18. bathos
    insincere or overly sentimental pathos
  19. chiasmus
    a statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed.
  20. chiché
    an expression that has been overused to an extent that its freshness has worn off
  21. climax
    the point of highest interest in a literary work
  22. colloquialism
    informal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing
  23. complex sentence
    a sentence with one independent clause with at least one dependent clause
  24. compound sentence
    a sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions
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English3 Vocabulary 1
English Semester 2 Vocab 1