Personal Problems
One who causes and solutions lie within the individual and his or her immediate environment
Social Problem
One who causes and solutions lie OUTSIDE the individual and the immediate environment
Structural Functionalism and its parts
A sociological theoory that focuses on social systems and how their independent parts maintain order
Parts are: Institution, Norms, Roles, and Values
A collective pattern of dealing with a basic social function
Shared expectations about behaviors
The behavior assoicated with a particular position in the social structure
Things preferred because they are defined as having worth
Confluct Theory
Where society is a system of diverse groups, with conflicting values and interests, vying with each other for power, wealth, and other valued resources. Focuses on inequalities.
Symbolic Interaction and its parts
Society is an arena of interacting individuals who behave in accord with their definitions of situations and who create shared messages as they interact.
Parts are: Attitudes and Ideology
A predisposition about something in ones environment
A set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality or life.
Multiple Levels of Social Problems
- Individual levelss
- Group levels
- Social levels
- Global levels
Critical Thinking
The process of carefully attending to spoken or weritten information in order to evaluate its validity
Fallacy of dramatic instance
Overgeneralizing; to use one, two, or three cases to support an entire agrument
Fallacy of Retrospective Determinism
The agrument that things could have not worked out any other way than which they did
Fallacy of Misplace Concreteness
Making something abstract into something concrete
Fallacy of Personal Attack
Agrument by attacking the opponent personally rather than dealing with the issue. Did not have enough facts.
Fallacy of Appeal to Prejudice
Agrument by appealing to popular prejudices or passions. Convincing others that we are correct.
Fallacy of Circular Reasoning
The use of conclusions to support the assumptions that were nessesary to make the conclusions.
Fallacy of Authority
Agrument by an illegitimate appeal to authority
Fallacy of Composition
The assertion that what is true of the part is nessarily true of the whole
Fallacy of Non-Sequitur
Something that does not follow logically from what has precided itl
Repeated use of a drug or alcohol to the point of periodic or chronic intoxic ation that is determental to the user or society
Improper use of drugs or alcohol to the degree that the consquences are defined as detrimental to the user or society
Four Symptoms of Alcholism
- Craving or compulsion to drink
- Loss of control to limit drinking
- Physical dependence when drinking stops
- Tolerance- The need to drink increasingly greater amounts to get high
Predatory Crime
Acts that have victims who suffer loss of property or some kind of physical harm
Crime Index
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter- willful killing of a person
- Aggravated Assault- an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe bodily injury
- Forcible Rape- Defined as actual or attempted sexual intercouse through the use or force or threat of force
- Robbery- the use of force or threat of force to take something of value
Crime Index (continued)
- Burglary- the unlawful entry of a structure to committ a felony or theft
- Larceny Theft- unlawful taking or stealing of property or articles without the use of force, violence, or fraud
- Motor Vehicle Theft- both actual and attempted theft of any motor vehicle
- Arson- willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn with or without intent to defraud
The nations first juvenile court was established...
In 1899, in Chicago, Illinois
Three Types of Juveniles
- Youthful Offenders- those who engage in behavior for which adults can be tried in criminal court
- Status Offenders- those who violate juvenile court code rather than the criminal code. (ex: runaways and breaking curfew)
- Minors in Need of Care- those who are neglected or abused and are in need of the courts care
Use of force to kill, injure, or abuse others
J Curve Theory of Revolution
A widening gape between what people want and what they get leads to a revoluntionary situation
What grade do kids began to experiment with drugs?
3rd Grade
Socioeconomic Status
Position in the social system based on economic resources, power, education, prestige, and lifestyle
Why does society approve violence?
To maintain social order
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol related defect
Child Savers
Helped establish the juvenile court system
Uniform Crime Reports
The resources used to measure crime stastics; published by the FBI