Contact 103

  1. What are the indications of an incipient spin?
    • Oscillatory, rotating motion
    • Airspeed accelerating or decelerating toward the steady-state value
    • Turn needle fully deflected in the direction of rotation
    • Stalled AOA with stick shaker activated
  2. At what airspeed will you usually enter an erect spin?
    80 KIAS
  3. Aircraft motion in ______ becomes less random and more spin like
    An incipient spin
  4. What conditions can induce OCF?
    • Overly aggressive control inputs
    • Structural damage
    • Uncoordinated flightImproper control inputs
  5. The aircraft will progress from one OCF phase to the next as long as _____ are applied.
    Pro spin controls
  6. What are the indications of a stabilized erect spin?
    • AOA at or above 18 units, with stick shaker activated
    • Approximately 60° nose low
    • VSI pegged at 6000 fpm descent (400 to 500 feet per turn)
    • Airspeed stabilized at 120 -135 KIAS
    • Sustained yaw rate
    • Turn needle fully deflected in the spin direction2 to 3 seconds per turn
  7. An erect spin requires _____ G stall, and inverted spin requires ____ G stall
    Positive; negative
  8. What are the phases or stages of OCF?
    • Poststall gyration
    • Incipient spins
    • Steady state spins
  9. What are the correct steps to perform practice OCF entry?
    • Ensure proper altitude and cloud clearance
    • Clear the area
    • Complete required checklist
  10. Attempts to enter inverted spins with idle power have typically resulted in _____
    Inverted spiral
  11. To enter a practice erect spin, initiate entry at _____ KIAS, ____ nose high, PCL ____, and maintain approx ___.
    120 (min) to 160; 15-40*; IDLE; 1G
  12. For both practice and inadvertent OCF entry, before performing a recovery procedure you should check your?
    • AOA
    • Turn needle
    • Airspeed
  13. _____ cannot be used to determine the difference between a spiral and spin.
    Turn needle deflection
  14. What is the approx spin entry airspeed?
    80 knots
  15. What are the indications of a poststall gyration?
    • Loss of control effectivness
    • Stalled AOA
    • Transient or erratic airspeeds
    • Random turn needle deflections
  16. To be in a steady state spin the aircraft must be in a _____ with a sustained _____.
    Full stall; constant yaw rate
  17. Begin the spin recovery before the end of the ______ spin phase. Waiting any longer could result in an excessive loss of altitude.
  18. What are the characteristics of an inverted spin?
    • AOA indicating zero units
    • Turn needle fully deflected in the spin direction
    • Airspeed indicator reading 40 KIAS
    • Pitch approximately 30° nose low
    • Accelerometer indicating negative 1.5 Gs
  19. To enter the stability procedure demo, accelerate to ___ KIAS, adjust power to ___ torque, and raise nose to a ___ pitch attitude.
    160; 60%; 45*
  20. When do you begin the OCF recovery?
    When directed by the IP
  21. Primary factor that results in an inverted spin is ______.
    PCL at MAX
  22. What is the inverted spin recovery procedure?
    • Gear, flaps and speed brake retracted
    • PCL - IDLE
    • Rudder – opposite to turn
    • Control stick – aft of neutral, ailerons neutral
    • Smoothly recover to level flight after rotation stops
  23. A spiral is characterized by a ____ attitude with a ____ airspeed, and the AOA gauge indicates ____.
    Nose low; rapidly increasing, less than 18 units
  24. How do you know that neutral controls are becoming effective in eliminating an OCF condition?
    Yaw rate decreases and nose pitches down
  25. When do you begin the unusual attitude recovery after performing the OCF recovery procedure?
    When aircraft gyrations stop and the aircraft is under control
Card Set
Contact 103
Contact 103