Famous Characters American Lit 2

  1. boyish heroine and writer who lives with sisters in Little Women
    Jo March
  2. 12 year old boy who makes friends with a fawn in Florida in The Yearling
    Jody Baxter
  3. 10 year old boy and the main character in The Red Pony
    Jody Tiflin
  4. relays Miles Standish's marriage proposal in a Longfellow poem
    John Alden
  5. well-dressed handsome gambler who helps others survive in The Outcasts of Poker Flat
    John Oakherst
  6. deaf-mute who listens to others of the boarding house in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
    John Singer
  7. boy with crippled hands who meets Paul Revere and John Hancock in Johnny Tremain
    Johnny Tremain
  8. attractive young women who woes Brom Bones and Ichabod Crane in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
    Katrina Van Tassel
  9. West African shipped to America in Roots
    Kunta Kinte
  10. British aristocrat who has a series of affairs in The Sun Also Rises
    Lady Brett Ashley
  11. Kind half-witted man who is killed by his friend George Milton to keep a mob from harming him in Of Men and Mice
    Lennie Small
  12. Augustine St. Claire's daughter who dies in Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Little Eva
  13. poor New York boy who inherits and English castle in Burnetts tale
    Little Lord Fauntleroy
  14. slum child in a girl of the streets
    Maggie Johnson
  15. first name of Ms. March, the mom raising 4 girls in Little Women
  16. small town doctor and researcher who fights disease on a Caribbean island in Arrowsmith
    Martin Arrowsmith
  17. abandon cousin who is taken by the Fromes and becomes an invalid when she tries to end her life in Ethan Frome
    Mattie Silver
  18. private eye who uses violence to solve his problems in Spillane's novels
    Mike Hammer
  19. real-life Indian fighter with red hair who appears in Longfellow's poem about a courtship
    Miles Standish
  20. owner of M&M enterprises who tries to run the war in Catch-22
    Milo Minderbinder
  21. eccentric store owner with a close relationship with cousin Lymon in The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
    Miss Amelia
  22. frontiersman nicknamed Hawkeye, Pathfinder and Trapper in The Leatherstocking Tales
    Natty Bumpo
  23. heavyset orchid loving detective in Fer-de-Lance
    Nero Wolfe
  24. hero in the short story collection In Our Time and Men Without Women
    Nick Adams
  25. Hester Pyrnee's illegitimate child by Arthur Dimmesdale in A Red Badge of Courage
  26. investigating lawyer in The Case of the Velvet Claws
    Perry Mason
  27. California private detective in The Big Sleep
    Philip Marlowe
  28. treasonous man sentanced to the remainder of his life at sea in The Man Without a Country
    Philip Nolan
  29. pretty well behaved orphan known as the "Glad Girl" and in the book of the same name
  30. crippled black hero in a Heyward novel about the Deep South
  31. prince who changes clothes with a beggar in The Prince and the Pauper
    Prince Edward
  32. suicidal offspring in of the Compson family in The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!
    Quentin Compson
  33. Polynesian harpooner and Ishmael's friend in Moby Dick
  34. rebellious hero who is committed to a mental hospital in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Randell Patrick McMurphy
  35. runs guns and supplies during the Civil War and becomes Margaret Mitchell's 3rd husband in Gone With the Wind
    Rhett Butler
  36. falls asleep for 20 years in the Catskills and isn't recognized when he returns
    Rip Van Winkle
  37. American fighting in the Spanish Civil War and falls in love with Maria in For Whom the Bell Tolls
    Robert Jorden
  38. mansion owner whose house splits and sinks into tar after he dies from the shock of his sister dying in a Poe short story
    Roderick Usher
  39. Hester Pyrnne's wronged and estranged husband who returns as her nemesis in The Scarlett Letter
    Roger Chillingworth
  40. tough private detective in San Francisco in The Maltese Falcon
    Sam Spade
  41. flirtatious, charming Southern belle who takes Rhett Butler as her 3rd husband in Gone With the Wind
    Scarlett O'Hara
  42. 6 year-old who narrates her attorney fathers defense of a black man accused of raping a women in To Kill a Mockingbird
    Scout (Jean Louise) Finch
  43. unscrupulous businessman who strives to get ahead but fails in The Rise of Silas Lapham
    Silas Lapham
  44. cruel slave driver who whips Uncle Tom to death in Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Simon Legree
  45. God-fearing mate who tries to dissuade Captain Ahab in Moby Dick
  46. working class Irish American who is the main character in Farrell's Trilogy
    Studs Lonigan
  47. novelist who loves wrestling and whose son lost an eye in a bizarre auto accident in The World According to Garp
    T.S. Garp
  48. beggar who changes clothes with a king in The Prince and the Pauper
    Tom Canty
  49. first-born son and the hero of the family of Okies going to California in The Grapes of Wrath
    Tom Joad
  50. orphan slave girl who said "I 'spect I growed" in Uncle Tom's Cabin
  51. black slave who tells the tales related by Harris
    Uncle Remus
  52. black slave who is considered to be subservient to whites in Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom
  53. nameless cowboy who was insulted in Winster's 1902 novel
    The Virginian
  54. quiet easy-going, timid man who dreams of glory and heroic actions in a Thurber story
    Walter Mitty
  55. corrupt Southern governor considered to be a fictional version of Huey Long in All the Kings Men
    Willie Stark
  56. title character on Death of a Salesmen who kills himself
    Willy Lorman
  57. Ethan's wife who banishes Mattie Silver in Ethan Frome
    Zeena Frome
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Famous Characters American Lit 2