Contact 102

  1. In which attitude should you not be aggressive in recovery?
    Nose high
  2. To begin recovery from inverted flight, perform a coordinated roll in the shortest direction by pushing the stick towards the _____.
    Most sky
  3. If the aircraft appears to be in an excessive nose low attitude, there is a potential for excessive altitude loss. To avoid altitude loss ____.
    Place the PCL to the idle position and extend the speed brake as necessary
  4. If you encounter low airspeed during a recovery, ___ prevent the nose from falling during the roll portion of the inverted flight recover
    Do not
  5. When you’ve completed a recovery the aircraft should be _____.
    In level flight attitude with constant airspeed
  6. Recover from a nose low attitude by____ once the wings are less than 90* to the horizon.
    Rolling wings level and applying smooth back stick pressure
  7. In what attitude, unless immediate proper recovery procedures are initiated can the aircraft possibly enter an aggravated stall, which can result in a spin?
    Nose high
  8. When would you most likely use excessive airspeed and G loading?
    The pullout phase of the nose low, higher speed recovery
  9. In what recovery should you immediately initiate a coordinated roll with back pressure to bring the nose of the aircraft down to the nearest horizon?
    Nose high recovery
  10. Due to low airspeed and torque effect in a high attitude recovery you may have a ____.
    Slow rate of response
  11. When the aircraft is in a nose low attitude, you will gain airspeed while decreasing altitude. In this situation you want to?
  12. Recover the aircraft to a level flight path as soon as possible
Card Set
Contact 102
Contact 102