Contact 101

  1. Slips can be flown at ____ configuration and airspeed.
  2. What is the most important and best indication of an impending stall?
    -Pilot Kinesthesia
  3. What are the senses and sensations that help you recognize the approach to a stall?
    • -Visual
    • -Pilot Kinesthesia
    • -Auditory
    • -Control pressure feedback
  4. What maneuvers can only be practiced in the simulator?
    • -Closed pull ups
    • -Break stall
  5. In the T-6 a full slip (full top rudder) at 125 KIAS with power to idle can give you a descent rate in excess of _____.
    -2000 fpm
  6. ________ allows very early detection of decreasing airspeed and the beginning of the settling or “mushing” of the airplane before a stall.
  7. In a stall the rudder and elevator will tend to shake at about ___ knots above a stall and the stick shaker will be activated at about ___ knots about a stall.
    3; 5-10
  8. The ________ stall demonstrates what happens when an airplane gets to slow on final or the aircraft is flared too high.
    Landing attitude
  9. If a full stall is reached, controls can be moved with almost no ______, and _______ effect on the airplane.
    Resistance; little to no immediate
  10. The low key to runway ELP should take approximately _____ feet of altitude.
  11. During slow flight coordination exercise, fly a series of left and right turns using ____ degrees of bank
  12. Recovery from high to low key stall should take approximately _____ feet
  13. If less than 1 G is encountered for _____, but no ops limits are exceeded, recover to 1 G or greater flight for a min of 5 sec prior to initiating the subsequent maneuver.
    More than 5 sec
  14. Increasing flight control displacement will ____ drag and adverse yaw
  15. With which indication of a stall, will note _____ in tone, level, and intensity of sounds incident to flight?
    A decrease, audio indication
  16. What is the first thing that occurs in a stall?
    An abrupt, uncommanded nose drop.
  17. What should you notice in a steep turn at slow airspeeds?
    • -The airplane turns very quickly
    • -AOA rapidly approaches stall
  18. If you are in slow flight with flaps in landing position, and retract the flaps to the up position without changing the pitch attitude, what will most likely happen?
    -The AOA will increase towards a stall
  19. In the T-6, slow flight airspeed is ___ knots (LDG flaps) and power set to approx ____ % torque
    80-85; 45
  20. As the boundary layer separation point moves further and further forward on the wing, a point is eventually reached where there is _____ to support the weight of the aircraft.
    Insufficient wing surface producing lift
  21. For nose low power on stall entry, establish pitch at ____
    15-30* nose high
  22. For nose high power on stall entry, establish pitch at ____
    30-40* nose high
  23. ____ is the key indicator that the pilot has that can signal an approach to stall
    High AOA
  24. Which indication of an impending stall condition is useful by noting the attitude of the airplane and reading certain instruments?
    Visual indication
  25. Entry airspeed for a the clean glide stall is ____.
    125 KIAS
  26. ____ control pressure resistance and ____ control response may indicate an impending stall.
    Decrease; slowed
Card Set
Contact 101
Contact 101