Physics Lect 1

  1. Special Triangles
    • 3-4-5
    • 5-12-13
    • 30-60-90
    • 45-45-90
  2. Displacement vs. Time Graph
    • slope = instantaneous velocity
    • upward = positive velocity
    • downward = negative velocity (does not nec. mean slowing down)
    • straight line = constant velocity
    • curved line = acceleration
  3. Velocity vs. Time Graph
    • slope = instantaneous acceleration
    • upward = positive acceleration
    • straight line = constant acceleration
    • curved line = changing acceleration
    • area under curve = distance / displacement
  4. Projectile Motion: a vertical vs a horizontal
    • Accel Vertical = constant = g = 10m/s2
    • Accel Hori = constant = 0m/s2
  5. Projectile Motion: what dictates the time and the range of the flight path?
    • Vertical Velocity dictates the time of flight
    • Horizontal Velocity * Time dictates the range
  6. What angle maximizes range?
    45 degrees
  7. Mass and Air Resistance
    • Mass changes the effect of air resistance but not the air resistance its self
    • air resistance has less effect on a more massive object
    • think bowling ball to feather
  8. Initial Vertical Velocity for Projectiles
    vsinθ = Vinitial vertical
  9. Initial Horizontal Velocity
    • vcosθ = Vinitial horizontal
    • Remember: there is no horizontal acceleration so the horizontal velocity remains constant through the flight path
  10. What increases air resistance?
    • more surface area
    • higher velocities
  11. Projectile Motion Equations
    • x - xi = vit + 0.5at2
    • v = vi + at
    • v2 = vi2 + 2ax
    • v = sqrt (2gh) *vi must be "0"
  12. What acts to shorten the the projectile path?
    Both gravity and the earth's atmosphere
Card Set
Physics Lect 1
Translational Motion