Acc. Study

  1. abate
    to diminish in intensity, verb
  2. abdicate
    to renounce or give up a position or right, verb
  3. abscond
    to leave suddenly and secretly, especially to avoid detention or arrest, verb
  4. accretion
    an increase in size from succesive additions or deposits, noun
  5. acrimonious
    marked by bitter language or tone; showing strong resentment, adj.
  6. adulterate
    to contaminate or make impure, especially by adding another substance, verb
  7. aggrandize
    to increase perceived power, influence, or wealht, verb
  8. amalgamation
    a merger, or uniting of different elements; a consolidation of entities, noun
  9. ambiguous
    doubtful or unclear meaning; open to interpretation, adj.
  10. anachronism
    anything out of its proper time in history, noun
  11. antipathy
    extreme aversion or dislike, noun
  12. apathy
    a notable lack of interest or caring, noun
  13. approbation
    an expression of approval or praise, particularly in an official sense, noun
  14. austere
    severly strict or stern in appearance; undecorated, adj.
  15. axiom
    a universally recognized principle for which no further proof is needed, noun
  16. bombastic
    pompous, overblown behavior or speech, adj.
  17. capitulate
    to surrender or yield, particularly under accepted terms and conditions, verb
  18. capricious
    impulsive and unpredictable, adj.
  19. castigate
    to inflict severe criticism or punishment, verb
  20. chicanery
    fraud or deception through trickery, especially legal or political, noun
  21. cogent
    convincing and persuasive, adj.
  22. controversy
    intense public disagreement, noun
  23. convoluted
    unnecessarily intricate and complex, adj.
  24. corroborate
    to confirm or support with evidence, verb
  25. credulous
    easily deceived, adj.
  26. deference
    a polite submission to another out of respect or courtesy, noun
  27. desiccate
    to dry out or dehydrate completely, verb
  28. diatribe
    a bitter, scolding criticism, noun
  29. diffident
    lacking self-confidence; unassertive, adj.
  30. dilatory
    procrastination; habitually delaying, adj.
  31. dilettante
    someone with superficial interest in a subject, noun
  32. disabuse
    to correct a wrong impression, verb
  33. dissemble
    to present a deceptive appearance; to conceal intent through pretense, verb
  34. dogmatic
    strongly assertive without providing argument or evidence, adj.
  35. dupe
    to fool or decieve, verb
  36. eclectic
    drawn from various sources and styles, adj.
  37. efficacy
    the ability to produce a desired result, noun
  38. elegy
    a sad or mournful poem or speech usually lamenting the death of someone, noun
  39. enervate
    to weaken or render ineffective, verb
  40. engender
    to cause or give rise to , verb
  41. enigma
    a great mystery or puzzle, noun
  42. equivocate
    to use deliberately ambiguous expressions to avoid commitment or mislead, verb
  43. erudite
    characterized by extensive knowledge; scholarly, adj.
  44. estimable
    desrving of respect, adj.
  45. eulogy
    a speech in praise of someone, usually one who is dead, noun
  46. exacerbate
    to aggravate or make worse, verb
  47. exculpate
    to free from blame or guilt, verb
  48. exigent
    urgent; requiring immediate action, adj.
  49. extensive
    significant amount or size, adj.
  50. fawn
    to seek favor through flattery or excessive praise, verb
  51. guile
    deceit, trickery, noun
  52. iconoclast
    one who attacks or undermines established traditions or institutions, noun
  53. impervious
    impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected, adj.
  54. impetuous
    characterized by rash and impulsive action without careful thought, adj.
  55. inchoate
    not yet fully formed; undeveloped, adj.
  56. ingenuous
    demonstrating childlike simplicity; unsophisticated, adj.
  57. inimical
    adveers or detrimental; hostile or unfriendly, adj.
  58. innovation
    something new and original; a new product or technique, noun
  59. insipid
    without interest or flavor, adj.
  60. intrepid
    fearless, courageous, adj.
  61. invective
    a strong condemnation; abusive language, noun
  62. irascible
    easily angered, adj.
  63. laconic
    brief and to the point; using the fewest words possible, adj.
  64. malinger
    to feign injury or illness to avoid work or duty, verb
  65. mirth
    amusement okr gladness acompanied by laughter, noun
  66. mitigate
    to relieve or reduce something, verb
  67. mollify
    to calm or make less severe, particularly somehting painful or burdensome, verb
  68. obdurate
    hardened against influence; stubborn, adj.
  69. obsequious
    excessively submissive; overly eager to abey or serve, adj.
  70. obviate
    to prevent something, particularly by making it unnecessary, verb
  71. occlude
    to obstruct or otherwise prevent passage, verb
  72. opprobrium
    public disgrace or vilification, noun
  73. paragon
    a model of excellence or perfection, noun
  74. perfidious
    willing to betray trust, adj.
  75. perfuntory
    performed in a routine or superficial way, adj,
  76. pervade
    to be present throughout the whole of something,verb
  77. petulant
    easily irritated or annoyed, adj.
  78. phenomenon
    an event or fact that is observed, especially one that is not fully understood, noun
  79. philanthropy
    charity; a desire or effort to help those in need, noun
  80. plethoa
    a surplus or excess, noun
  81. precipitate
    to bring about abruptly, verb
  82. prodigal
    reckless and wasteful, particcularly with money, adj.
  83. proliferate
    to increased in number quickly, verb
  84. promulgate
    to proclaim publicly and officially, verb
  85. propitiate
    to conciliate, to appease , verb
  86. propriety
    correct and proper social conduct, noun
  87. prudence
    cautious and careful forethought, noun
  88. quiescent
    inactive, at rest, adj.
  89. repudiate
    to reject the validity of,, verb
  90. reticent
    habitually reserved or silent, adj.
  91. soporific
    causing sleep or drowsiness, adj.
  92. specious
    plausible yet misleading and inaccurate, adj.
  93. stigma
    a mark of shame or disgrace, noun
  94. stolid
    showing little or no emotion; unemotional, adj.
  95. strive
    to make great efforts, verb
  96. taciturn
    silent, incommunicative, adj.
  97. torpor
    extreme mental and physical sluggishness, noun
  98. tyro
    a beginner, noun
  99. veracity
    truthfulness, noun
  100. wan
    to become sickly pale, verb
Card Set
Acc. Study
Vocabulary for essays