AP Lit Mid-Term Vocab

  1. Apoplectic
    Greatly agitated; exhibiting the symptoms of a stroke
  2. Burgeon
    To grow or to bloom; to expand rapidly
  3. Celestial
    Relating to the heavens; divine
  4. Deferential
    Showing respect or esteem due an elder or a superior
  5. Florid
    Having flowery style; tinged with redness; ruddy
  6. Gratuitous
    Not called for by the circumstances; unwarranted
  7. Largesse
    Generosity; liberal giving to an inferior
  8. Posthumous
    Occurring after death, as in the publication of a book
  9. Prodigious
    Enormous; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree
  10. Proliferate
    To grow rapidly; to increase in number; to multiply
  11. Sententiously
    Done in a manner given to moralizing, especially through memorable sayings
  12. Snigger
    A variation on snicker; a covert laugh
  13. Spectre(er)
    A ghost; something that haunts the mind
  14. Suffuse
    To spread over or through in the same manner as liquid or light
  15. Superfluous
    Exceeding what is necessary; marked by wastefulness
  16. Transfigured
    To transform outwardly, usually into something higher or better
  17. Vivacious
    Lively in temper, appearance, spirit, or conduct
  18. Viviparous
    Producing young from within the body, as most mammals do
  19. Zealous
    Characterized by ardor, passion, or eagerness in pursuit of something
  20. Aperture
    An opening or an open space; a hole
  21. Inculcate*
    To teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
  22. Indefatigable*
    Incapable of being fatigued: untiring
  23. Insinuate*
    To introduce gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way
  24. Patronizing
    Provide aid or support for
  25. Axiomatic
    Self-evident or aphoristic; clearly defined by a popular phrase
  26. Flivver
    A small, cheap automobile, especially an old one
  27. Incandescent
    Glowing with heat; shining brilliantly; gleaming
  28. Incongruous
    Lacking harmony; having inconsistent or inharmonious parts
  29. Incredulity
    A state of being unable to believe something; doubt; skepticism
  30. Malicious
    Spiteful; intentionally harmful
  31. Manifest
    Foul or unclean, especially from neglect; wretched; miserable
  32. Maudlin
    Foolishly and tearfully sentimental, especially when induced by alcohol
  33. Melancholy
    In a general sense, a state of overall sadness or depression
  34. Notorious
    Widely but unfavorably known or regarded
  35. Primal
    First in time; original, primitive
  36. Promiscuous
    Having sex indiscriminantly or with many partners
  37. Rapturously
    Suggests being carried away with joy, love, or pleasure; or in body and soul
  38. Ruminate
    To turn something over in the mind; to meditate on something
  39. Simian
    Ape or monkey like
  40. Squalid
    Fould or unclean, especially from neglect; wretched; miserable
  41. Suppress
    To put down by force, to quell, to keep from appearing in print
  42. Surreptitious
    Done in secret or done stealthily
  43. Truculent
    Fierce, savage, cruel; rude, harsh, mean; pugnacious, bellicose
  44. Furtive*
    Expressive of stealth: sly
  45. Beneficient*
    Doing or producing good
  46. Caste*
    A division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race
  47. Compulsory*
    Mandatory, enforced
  48. Derision*
    A state of being laughed at or ridiculed : a state of being derided
  49. Benevolent
    Inclined to kindliness, doing good, or charity
  50. Blasphemy
    Profane or contemptuous language directed at God or something revered
  51. Cajole
    To coax with flattery or insincere talk
  52. Galvanic
    Having to do with electricity or electric shock; startling or convulsive
  53. Implore
    To beg for earnestly; to beseech
  54. Incarnation
    Appearance in human form; person or thing that embodies a concept
  55. Incessant
    Never ceasing; constant
  56. Indecorous
    Lacking propriety or good taste; unseemly
  57. Intrinsic
    Belonging to the real nature of a thing; essential; inherent
  58. Lout
    A clumsy, stupid fellow; a boor
  59. Plaintive
    Expressing sorrow or melancholy
  60. Putrid
    Decomposed; rotting and foul-smelling
  61. Quaff
    To drink deeply in a hearty or thirsty way
  62. Reproach
    To blame or rebuke; to reprove; to cause shame by doing so
  63. Resolute
    Determined; having shown a firm sense of purpose
  64. Scrupulous
    Careful to do the right, proper, or correct thing
  65. Solecism
    A violation of acceptable speech, manners, or etiquitte
  66. Speculation
    The act of meditating or conjecturing; thinking about something in theory
  67. Voluptuous
    Producing sensual delight or pleasure, as in a full-figured woman
  68. Asceticism*
    Practice of strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline
  69. Eccentricity*
    Odd or whimsical behavior
  70. Inconspicuous
    Not readily noticable
  71. Plangent
    Having a loud reverberating sound
  72. Satiety
    The quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit, fullness
  73. Deplorable
    Regrettable, wretched, very bad
  74. Emaciated
    Abnormally lean, as by starvation
  75. Emphatic
    Very striking; forceful; definite
  76. Fulminate
    To explode with sudden violence; to shout forth denunciations
  77. Indignant
    Feeling or expressing anger or scorn, especially at perceived insult or injustice
  78. Inexorable
    Cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion; unrelenting
  79. Innocuous
    Harmless; not controversial or offensive
  80. Languish
    To lose vigor or vitality; to lose intensity
  81. Malignant
    Having an evil influence; very harmful or dangerous
  82. Perplexed
    Full of doubt or uncertainty
  83. Profane
    To desecrate; to holy things with disrespect or irreverence
  84. Recapitulate
    To repeat briefly; to summarize
  85. Reciprocate
    To give, do, or feel in return
  86. Repulsive
    Causing strong dislike or aversion; disgusting
  87. Squeamish
    Easily nauseated; easily shocked or offended; overly fastidious
  88. Stoic
    Remaining indifferent to joy, grief, pain, etc.; unflinching under bad fortune
  89. Undulating
    Moving in waves; having a wavy form
  90. Unorthodox
    Not conforming to usual doctrines, beliefs, or practices
  91. Unprecedented
    Not based on earlier example, legal decision, case, etc.
  92. Abject
    Sunk to or existing in a low state or condition
  93. Aseptic
    Preventing infection
  94. Avert
    To turn away
  95. Blithe
    Of a happy lighthearted character or disposition
  96. Carrion
    Dead and putrefying flesh
  97. Ardor
    Emotional warmth; passion; zeal
  98. Carping
    Finding fault or complaining in a nagging way
  99. Constrain
    To hold back; to forcere to hold in; to confine
  100. Coquettish
    Flirtatious, especially out of a woman's vanity or desire for male attention
  101. Demure
    Modest or reserved; shy; or affectedly modest; coy
  102. Deprecating
    Belittling; feeling or expressing disapproval
  103. Dispassionate
    Free from emotion or bias; impartial
  104. Eminence
    A high or lofty place; a person who has high rank, standing, etc.
  105. Gibe
    Taunt, sneer, or scoff
  106. Heinous
    Outrageously evil or wicked
  107. Heretical
    Characterized by a rejection of established religious beliefs or teachings
  108. Impropriety
    A turning aside from moral conduct or sound thinking
  109. Irrepressible
    Like Chumbawunba, they get knocked down, / but they get up again / you're never gonna hold them down; incapable of being restrained
  110. Jaunty
    Stylish; fashionable; chic; or confident; carefree; sprightly
  111. Moribund
    Dying; coming to an end; having little life force left
  112. Obliquity
    Being contrary to good taste or decency, especially in terms of behavior
  113. Portentous
    Something suggesting an evil event will occur; ominous
  114. Sanctimonious
    Pretending to be very holy or pious; affecting righteousness
  115. Scatological
    Obscenity or an obsession with obscenity, especially in literature
  116. Sedulously
    Diligent in application or pursuit
  117. Sonorous
    Producing sound
  118. Titillation
    To excite pleasurably; arouse by stimulation; tickle
  119. Valediction
    An act of bidding farewell
  120. Wheedle
    To influence or entice by soft words or flattery
  121. Incense
    To arouse the extreme anger or indignation of
  122. Beguile
    To lead by deception; to engage the interest of through deception
  123. Carnal
    Relating to crude bodily pleasures and appetites; marked by sexuality
  124. Censure
    The act of blaming or condemning sternly; an official reprimand
  125. Clamor
    Noisy shouting; a loud continuous noise
  126. Conjure
    To summon by or as if by invocation or incantation
  127. Cuckold
    A man whose wife is unfaithful
  128. Descry
    To catch sight of; find out or discover
  129. Epithet
    A characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing; a disparaging or abusive word or phrase
  130. Facile
    Easily accomplished or attained; used or comprehended with ease
  131. Homage
    Expression of high regard; something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another
  132. Iniquity
    A wicked act or thing; sin
  133. Profane
    To treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt; desecrate; to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use
  134. Promulgate
    To make (as a doctrine) known by open declaration
  135. Provender
    Dry food for domestic animals; feed; food for victuals
  136. Servitor
    A male servant
  137. Spinster
    An unmarried woman past the common age for marrying; a woman who seems unlikely to marry
  138. Timorous
    Of a timid disposition; fearful
  139. Vexation
    A cause of trouble, an affliction
  140. Wanton
    Lewd, bawdy; causing sexual excitement, or having no just foundation or provocation
  141. Assail*
    To attack violently with blows or words
  142. Bombast*
    Pretentious inflated speech or writing
  143. Corrigible
    Capable of being set right; reparable
  144. Obsequious*
    Marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
  145. Prate*
    To talk long and idly; chatter
  146. Advocate
    To plead in favor of
  147. Arraign
    To call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment
  148. Chaste
    To be innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse; celibate; pure in thought and act
  149. Dilatory
    Tending or intended to cause delay; characterized by procrastination
  150. Dissemble
    To hide under a false appearance; to put on the appearance of
  151. Edify
    To instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge
  152. Egregious
    Conspicuous; especially conspicuously bad or flagrant
  153. Fetter
    To shackle; to restrain from motion, action or progress
  154. Imperious
    Marked by arrogant assurance; domineering
  155. Importune
    To press or urge with troublesome persistence
  156. Indict
    To charge with a fault or offense; to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (as a grand jury) in due form of law
  157. Inordinate
    Exceeding reasonable limits; immoderate
  158. Languish
    To be or become feeble, weak, or enervated
  159. Mince
    To restrain (words) within the bounds of decorum
  160. Paragon
    A model of excellence of perfection
  161. Prerogative
    An exclusive or special right, power, or privelege
  162. Propriety
    Conformity to what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech; fear of offending against conventional rules of behavior especially between the sexes
  163. Ruminate
    To go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
  164. Surfeit
    An overabundant supply; an intemperate indulgance in something (as food or drink)
  165. Vehement
    Marked by forceful energy; intensely emotional; impassioned
  166. Dotage
    A state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness
  167. Impute*
    To lay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly
  168. Castigate*
    To subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
  169. Credulous*
    Ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
  170. Voluble
    Easily rolling or turning; rotating; fast speech
  171. Abhor
    To regard with extreme repugnance; to loathe
  172. Bauble
    A trinket; something of trifling appeal
  173. Bawd
    One who keeps a house of prostitution; prostitute taunting words
  174. Caitiff
    Cowardly or despicable
  175. Construe
    To understand or explain the sense or intention of usually in a particular way or with respect to a given set of circumstances
  176. Expostulate
    To reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion or remonstrance
  177. Fleer
    To laugh or grimace in a coarse derisive manner; to sneer
  178. Gibe
    To deride or tease with
  179. Insinuate
    To introduce (as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way; to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way; to imply
  180. Lethargy
    Abnormal drowsiness; the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent
  181. Lewd
    Sexually unchaste or licentious; obscene, vulgar
  182. Minx
    A wanton woman
  183. Ocular
    Done or perceived by the eye; based on what has been seen
  184. Palate
    A usually intellectual taste or liking; the sense of taste
  185. Peevish
    Querulous in temperament or mood; marked by ill temper
  186. Purgatory
    An intermediate state after death for expiatory purification; a place or state of temporary suffering or misery
  187. Reproach
    An expression or rebuke or disapproval
  188. Sequester
    To set apart; segregate
  189. Woo
    To sue for the affection of and usually marriage with; to court
  190. Wrangle
    To dispute angrily or peevishly; to bicker; to engage in argument or controversy
  191. Venial
    Of a kind that can be remitted; forgivable, pardonable; also meriting no particular censure or notice; excusable
  192. Veritable*
    Being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary —often used to stress the aptness of a metaphor
  193. Forsake*
    To renounce or turn away from entirely
  194. Cozen*
    To deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery
  195. Plenteous*
    Fruitful, productive
  196. Alabaster
    A compact fine-textured usually white and translucent gypsum often carved into vases and ornaments
  197. Beseech
    To beg for urgently or anxiously; to request earnestly; implore
  198. Boisterous
    Noisily turbulent; rowdy; marked by or expressive of exuberance and high spirits
  199. Dilate
    To enlarge or expand in bulk or extent; distend; widen
  200. Engender
    To cause to exist or to develop
  201. Equivocal
    Subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse
  202. Extenuate
    To lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses; mitigate
  203. Gull
    To take advantage of (one who is foolish or unwary)
  204. Insolent
    Insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct; overbearing; exhibiting boldness or effrontery; impudent
  205. Minion
    A servile dependent, follower, or underling
  206. Pernicious
    Highly injurious or destructive; deadly
  207. Portent
    Something that foreshadows a coming event; omen; sign
  208. Preferment
    Advancement or promotion in dignity, office, or station; a position or office of honor or profit
  209. Requite
    To make return for; repay; to make retaliation for; avenge
  210. Restitution
    An act of restoring or a condition of being restored; a restoration of something to its rightful owner; a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury
  211. Resolution
    Something that is resolved; firmness of resolve
  212. Smite
    To strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand
  213. Strumpet
    A prostitute
  214. Teem
    To become filled to overflowing; abound; to be present in large quantity
  215. Upbraid
    To criticize severely, find fault with to reproach severely; scold vehemently
  216. Rapier
    A straight 2-edged sword with a narrow pointed blade
  217. Perjury*
    The voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath; false swearing
  218. Lascivious*
    Lewd; lustful
  219. Filch*
    To appropriate furtively or casually
  220. Odious*
    Arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance: hateful
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AP Lit Mid-Term Vocab
AP English III Mid-Term Vocabulary