Science 5

  1. What are the functions of the Respiratory System?
    • 1. Moves oxygen from the outside into the body
    • 2. Moves carbon dioxide and water from the body
  2. What is the process of respiration in cells?
    Glucose is broken down using oxygen to produce energy.
  3. What is breathing?
    Movement of hair into and out of lungs.
  4. What other 2 systems aid in respiration?
    • Digestive system-absorbs glucose from food
    • Circulatory system-carries oxygen from your lungs and glucose from your food to your cells
  5. Is air oxygen?
    Only 21% is air and the rest is nitregin.
  6. What are the three substances in a cigerette?
    • Nicitine
    • Carbon Minoxide
  7. The path air takes to the lungs...
    • Nose
    • Pharinx
    • Tracea
    • Bronci
  8. What does the cilia do?
    It helps remove the trapped particles.
  9. What does mucus do.
    • It warms and moistens the air you breath in.
    • Traps the particles
  10. Pharinx
    Air moves from nose into throat which is also used for food.
  11. Tracea
    • Leads from the pharinx to the lungs
    • Rings of cartlige keep it open
    • Epiglottis keeps food from getting into the tracea
  12. Gas exchange...
    • Air enters alviolis
    • Oxygen passes through the wall of the aviolis
    • And then through the capillary wall into the blood
    • Carbin Dioxide and water pass from the blood into the avioli.
  13. The structure of the bronci...
    • The bronchi directs air into the lungs
    • It divides into smaller tubes like tree branches
    • At the end of the tubes are alveoli, which look like grapes
    • Part of each bronchus is outside the lung and part is inside
  14. Alveoli
    Tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood. They are surrounded by capillaries where the blood picks up oxygen from the air..
  15. How can lungs absorb a large amount of oxygen?
    Large surface area of alveoli. 300 million in an adult
  16. What muscles cause the chest to expand while breathing?
    • The Rib Muscles
    • Diaphragm
  17. What produces your voice?
    • 2 vocal cords in your larninx
    • When the vocal cords vibrite
    • Shorter=higher voice
    • Longer=lower voice
  18. Why does air rush into your body when you inhale?
    The chest cavity becomes larger making more room for air and decreasing the air pressure inside the lungs. Because of the difference in air pressure, air rushes into your chest.
  19. Where and why do coughs and sneezes occur?
    • Sneezes occur in the nose
    • Coughs occur in the trachea
    • They act to remove irritating paricles
  20. Harmful effects of smoking
    • Increase in breathing and heart rate due to carbon monoxide in smoke
    • Damage to protetctive cilia and risk of cancer due to tar
    • Addiction and increase in blood pressure due to nicotine
    • Risk of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and atherosclerosis
  21. Deadly chemicals in tobacco
    • Tar
    • Carbon Monoxide
    • Nicotine
  22. 3 Respiratory diseases from smoking
    • Chronic bronchitis - irritation of breathing passages
    • Emphysema - destroys lung tissue, cannot get enough oxygen or eliminate enough carbon dioxide
    • Lung cancer - chemicals cause tumors
  23. Circulatory problems due to smoking
    • Atherosclerosis - chemicals get into blood vessels and cause buildup
    • Smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack
    • If either the circulatory or respiratory system is damaged, the other one has to work even harder.
  24. Passive smoking
    Causes respiratory problems from breathing in smoke from other people.
  25. What does the excretory system do?
    • Collects waste produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body.
    • Helps maintain homeostasis by removing harmful materials that would make you sick if they stay in the body.
  26. 3 wastes your body must eliminate
    • Water
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Urea - peeeeee!
  27. Path of excretory system
    • Kidney
    • Ureter
    • Bladder
    • Urethra
  28. What are the structures that remove waste in the kidneys?
    Nephrons - filter the blood
  29. How is urine formed?
    • Waste and glucose are removed from blood
    • Glucose is returned to blood
    • Wastes move into capsule
    • Urine remains in the capsule
  30. How do kidneys help maintain homeostasis?
    Regulate amount of water in your body
  31. What other organs are involved in excretion?
    • Skin - sweat
    • Lungs - exhale Carbon dioxide and water
    • Liver - breaks down proteins
Card Set
Science 5
Respiration and Excretion