Home Economics Y8

  1. Flowchart:
  2. Setting the table:
    Describe where each of the following should be placed: fork, knife, glass, side plate, desert spoon, desert fork.
    • Fork - left of place setting
    • Knife - right of place setting
    • Glass - top right
    • Side plate - left of fork
    • Desert fork - above place setting
    • Desert spoon - above desert fork
  3. Using weighing and scales:
    What is used for measuring liquids and how much liquid does it usually hold?
    A measuring jug which usually holds 1 litre (1000 mls).
  4. Milk:
    How was milk made safer to drink?
    Pasteurisation was developed by Louis Pasteur about 100 years ago. This process killed off the bacteria that is found in milk.
  5. Milk:
    Name four animals that produce milk.
    • Cows
    • Sheep
    • Goats
    • Camels
  6. Milk:
    Why is milk good for pregnant women?
    It helps the unborn baby grow.
  7. Milk:
    Explain the difference between full-fat and semi-skimmed milk.
    Full-fat has more cream and fat content that semi-skimmed.
  8. Milk:
    Which of the following does not contain milk?

    D) fried eggs
  9. Balance:
    What is "nutrition"?
    Nutrition is the process of feeding our bodies.
  10. Balance:
    Why do we need lots of different foods?
    Because no single food contains all the things our body needs.
  11. Balance:
    What are the 5 sections of the Eatwell plate?
    • Fruit and Veg
    • Bread and cereal foods ("carbohydrates")
    • Meat or fish
    • Milk and dairy
    • Fat and Sugar
  12. Balance:
    How many pieces of fruit and veg are we supposed to eat each day:

    C) 5+
  13. Balance:
    How many portions of bread/cereal foods are we supposed to eat each day:

    C) 5+
  14. Balance:
    How many portions of meat or fish are we supposed to eat each day:

    C) 2-3
  15. Balance:
    How many portions of milk or dairy are we supposed to eat each day:

    C) 2-3
  16. Balance:
    How many portions of fat or sugary foods are we supposed to eat each day:

    C) 1
  17. Balance:
    What type of food is spaghetti or pasta?
    Cereal food
  18. Balance:
    I have just made a ham sandwich using white bread and butter. How could I have made it healthier?
    • Use brown bread instead of white
    • Use low fat margerine instead of butter
    • Add salad ingredients
  19. The Cooker:
    What are the 3 parts of a cooker?
    • Hob
    • Grill
    • Oven
  20. The Cooker:
    How are most cookers powered? What other type is there?
    By electricity or by gas normally. The other type is an "Aga" cooker which is powered by oil usually.
  21. The Cooker:
    Why should you allow a grill to pre-heat for 5 minutes before using it?
    It helps the food cook faster.
  22. The Cooker:
    Some grills have two control mechanisms - single or double grill setting. What is this called and what are the advantages?
    It's called dual control. You can save money on your electricity bills by only using one side of the grill.
  23. The Cooker:
    True or false: when cooking with a grill, the door should always be kept closed.
    False - a grill door should never be closed.
  24. The Cooker:
    When using the hob, what way should saucepan handles be facing?
    To the side in case anyone tips them over.
  25. The Cooker:
    True or false: you should use the ring on your hob that is much larger than the saucepan you're using.
    False - by using too big a ring, you waste energy (and money).
  26. Convenience foods:
    What are the four main types of convenience foods - give examples?
    • Dried (eg pasta, peas)
    • Canned (eg beans, fruit)
    • Frozen (eg pizza, chips)
    • Bottled (eg jam, marmalade)
  27. Food labelling:
    What kind of food has to be labelled by law?
    Pre-packed and convenience food
  28. Food labelling:
    What are the 6 compulsory parts to a food label?
    • The name of the food
    • The ingredients
    • The instructions of how to use and store
    • The shelf-life
    • The quantity or weight
    • The name and address of the manufacturer
    • NIISQM
  29. Labelling:
    Which of these is a compulsory labelling item?

    A) ingredients
  30. Labelling:
    What are the two types of date marks on food? What is the difference in their meanings?
    "Use by" and "Best before".

    Use by - must be eaten by this date or food poisoning could occur.

    Best before - should be eaten by this date but won't harm you if you eat it after.
  31. Labelling:
    What are E-numbers?
    They are artificial additives that have been added to food to give it a specific look or taste.

    They can be harmful, especially to children.
  32. Labelling:
    When must water be disclosed as a separate ingredient?
    When it makes up more than 5% of the total contents.
  33. Labelling:
    What does a small "e" after the weight mean?
    That it complies with the average system of weights used throughout the European Union.
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Home Economics Y8
Home Economics Y8 revision