Middle Ages Review Sheet

  1. Who were the Franks?
    In the Roman province of Gaul, a German people called the Franks held power. Clovis was the leader, and he would bring Christianity to the region. The Church, with the help of Frankish rulers had converted many Germanic peoples. After the Roman Empire dissolved, small kingdoms sprang up all over Europe. The Franks controlled the largest and strongest of Europe’s kingdoms.
  2. Who was Clovis?
    The leader of the Franks. He brought Christianity to the region. During a battle, he feared defeat, so he prayed to God and promised that if he won, he would convert to Christianity. The Franks won, and Clovis along with 3,000 of his warriors asked a bishop to baptize them. Clovis united the Franks into one kingdom.
  3. Who was Charlemagne, and what did he do?
    He became king of Frankish kingdom. Charlemagne means Charles the Great. He built an empire greater than any know since ancient Rome. He conquered new lands to both the south and east, and through these conquests, he spread Christianity. He reunited western Europe for the first time since the Roman empire. He became the most powerful king in western Europe. When an unruly mob attacked the pope, Charlemagne returned to Rome to crush the mob. In gratitude, Pop Leo III crowned him emperor. He strengthened his royal power by limited the authority of nobles. He encouraged learning and ordered monasteries to open schools to train future monks and priests.
  4. Who was Benedict?
    an Italian monk. He wrote a book describing a strict yet practical set of rules for monasteries. These guidelines became a model for many other religious communities in western Europe.
  5. Who was Scholastica?
    Benedict’s sister. She headed a convent and adapted the same rules that Benedict had made for women.
  6. Who was Gregory the Great?
    an Italian monk. He wrote a book describing a strict yet practical set of rules for monasteries. These guidelines became a model for many other religious communities in western Europe.
  7. Who was Charles Martel?
    The mayor of the palace in 719. He held more power than the king. Charles Martel extended the Franks’ reign to the north, south, and east. He also defeated Muslim raiders from Spain at the Battle of Tours, which was highly significant for Christian Europeans. This victory made him a Christian hero.
  8. Who were the Vikings?
    They invaded Europe from the north. Vikings set sail from Scandinavia, a wintry, wooded region in Northern Europe. They were Germanic people and also were called Northmen or Norsemen. They carried out their raids with terrifying speed. They were gone before locals could mount a defense. They were not only warriors but also traders, farmers, and explorers.
  9. What was a vassal?
    a person receiving a fief.
  10. What was a serf?
    people who could not lawfully leave the place where they were born.
  11. Who were knights?
    They were mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lords’ lands in exchange for fiefs.
  12. Who was Otto I?
    The most effective ruler of medieval Germany. He was crowned king in 936 and followed the policies of Charlemagne. He formed a close alliance with the Church. He invaded Italy on the pope’s behalf, which in turn got the pop to crown him emperor as a reward. The German-Italian empire Otto created was first called the Roman Empire of the German Nation.
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Middle Ages Review Sheet
Middle Ages Review Sheet