The bare minimum

  1. What is the blood supply to the diaphragm?
    • Superior and Inferior frenic arteries
    • Musculofrenic and pericardiofrenic
  2. What is the lymph drainage of the diaphragm?
    Celiac, Superior mesenteric, common iliac nodes
  3. What is the blood supply to the uterus?
    • Uterine arteries
    • Ovarian branches of uterine arteries
    • Ovarian arteries
  4. What is the lymph drainage of the uterus?
    • Para-aortic nodes above
    • Internal iliac nodes in the middle
    • Inguinal nodes below
  5. What are the relations of the bladder?
    • Superiorly: guts
    • Inferiorly: prostate
    • Anteriorly: pubic symphasis
    • Posteriorly: rectum, seminal vesicles, vas deferentia
  6. What is the blood supply to the bladder?
    Superior and Inferior vesical artery
  7. What is the lymph drainage of the prostate?
    Internal iliac nodes
  8. What is the blood supply of the prostate?
    Middle rectal artery gives off prostatic branches
  9. What is the lymph drainage of the bladder?
    Internal and external iliac nodes
  10. What are the relations of the prostate?
    • Anteriorly: pubic bone
    • Posteriorly: recto-vesical pouch
    • Inferiorly: UG diaphragm
    • Superiorly: neck of the bladder
  11. What is the blood supply to the rectum?
    • Mucus membrane by Superior Rectal Artery
    • Muscular coat by Middle Rectal Artery
  12. What is the lymph drainage of the rectum?
    • Upper part: to IM nodes
    • Lower part: to II nodes
  13. What is the blood supply to the bottom of Anal Canal?
    Inferior Rectal Artery (branch of Pudendal)
  14. What is the blood supply to the top of Anal Canal?
    Superior Rectal Artery (branch of IMA)
  15. What is the lymph drainage of bottom of Anal Canal?
    SF inguinal nodes
  16. What is the lymph drainage of top of Anal Canal?
    IM nodes
  17. What is nerve supply of bottom of Anal Canal?
    Inferior Rectal Nerve (from Pudendal)
  18. What is nerve supply of top of Anal Canal?
    Autonomic nerves
  19. What is the venous drainage of the prostate?
    Internal Iliac veins
  20. What is the nerve supply to the internal Anal Sphincter?
    Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
  21. What is the nerve supply to the external Anal Sphincter?
    Pudendal S2, S3, S4
Card Set
The bare minimum
When there is no time for any more fungaa