What shape is the stomach?
What are the two openings called?
- Cardiac orifice
- Pyloric orifice
What are the two curvatures called?
- Greater curvature
- Lesser curvature
Where is the body of the stomach?
From cardiac orifice to the notch
Where is the pyloric antrum?
From the notch to the pylorus
What is the pylorus?
Tubular bit of the distal stomach
What surrounds the pylorus?
The pyloric sphincter
What are the ligaments of the stomach?
- Lesser omentum
- Gastrosplenic ligament
- Gastro-phrenic ligament
- Greater omentum
Where does the lesser omentum run?
From lesser curvature to liver
Where does the gastro splenic ligament go?
From upper greater curvature to spleen
What does the gastrosplenic ligament contain?
- Short gastric vessels
- Left gastro-epiploic vessels
Where does the gastrophrenic ligament go?
From the fundus to diaphram
Where does the greater omentum go?
From lower greater curvature to transverse colon
What are the layers of the muscular wall?
- Longitudinal fibers
- Circular fibers
- Oblique fibers
Where are the longitudinal fibers?
Along curvatures
Where are the circular fibers?
Around the stomach but not in the fundus
What are rugae?
Longitudinal folds of mucus membrane
What are the anterior relations of the stomach?
- Anterior abdominal wall
- Diaphragm
- Left lobe of liver
What are the posterior relations of the stomach?
- Lesser sac
- Diaphram
- Spleen
- Left super-renal gland
- Left kidney
- Splenic artery
- Pancreas
- Transverse mesocolon
- Transverse colon
What are the 3 divisions of the GI tract?
Where is the foregut?
- Lower third of eusophagus to 2nd part of duodenum
- 2nd part of duodenum to distal third of transverse colon
- Distal third of tranverse colon to helf way down anal canal
What is the blood supply of the stomach?
Branches of celiac trunk
What is the lymph drainage of the stomach?
Celiac nodes
Where does the lienorenal ligament go?
From the spleen to the left kidney
What does the lienorenal ligament contain?
Splenic vessels and tail of pancreas
What shape is the duodenum?
C-shaped tube
What does the duodenum do?
Connects stomach to jejunum
How long is the duodenum?
10 inches
How many parts are in the duodenum?
4 parts
What is the pneumonic for the duodenum?
1-2, 3-4, 2-3, 4-1
What is the blood supply to the duodenum?
- 1st half supplied by superior pancreaticoduodenal
- 2nd half supplied by inferior pancreaticoduodenal
What are the anterior relations of the duodenum?
- Transverse colon
- Transverse mesocolon
- Peritoneum
- Neck of the gallbladder
- Quadrate lobe of the liver
- Superior mesenteric artery and vein
What are the posterior relations of the duodenum?
- Aorta
- Hilum of right kidney
- Right ureter
- Right psoas muscle
What is the lymph drainage of the duodenum?
- Upper half: celiac nodes
- lower half: superior mesenteric nodes
State 3 ways cancer can spread
- Lymph
- Venous drainage
- Direct spread
What is the pneumonic for the spleen?
1x3x5x7 9, 10, 11
Where is the spleen?
- IN the left hypochondrium,
- ON the posterior abdominal wall
What is the blood supply to the spleen?
Splenic artery
Which two veins join to make the portal vein?
Superior mesenteric and splenic vein
What is the lymph drainage of the spleen?
Celiac nodes