Niamh Cullen tech y8 Electronics

  1. Electronics - Circuits:
    What does it mean if two lights are "in series"?
    How does the current going through them compare to the current being supplied by the battery?
    • It means that they are one after each other in a straight line.
    • The current going through both is the same as the current being supplied by the battery.
  2. Electronics - Circuits:
    What does it mean if two lights are "in parallel" in a circuit? If there were three lights in parallel, how would the current going through each compare to the current being supplied by the battery?
    In parallel means that they appear in a parallel in a circuit.

    If three lights were in parallel, the current going though them would be 1/3rd of the current being supplied by the battery.
  3. Electronics - Circuits:
    Are the lights in series or in parallel?
    Image Upload 2
    In series (current is the same throughout).
  4. Electronics - Circuits:
    Are the lights in series or in parallel?
    Image Upload 4
    • In parallel.
    • Here, the current from the battery gets split into three. Each of the lights gets the same current through it, but this current is only 1/3rd of the current a bulb in a series circuit would get.
  5. Electronics - Switches:
    Draw the symbol for a "push to make" switch and describe what it does.
    • Image Upload 6
    • It MAKES the circuit when pressed down.
  6. Electronics - Switches:
    Draw the symbol for a "push to break" switch and describe what it does.
    • Image Upload 8
    • when pushed it BREAKS the circuit
  7. Electronics - Switches:
    Draw the symbol for a "reed" switch and describe what it does.
    • Image Upload 10
    • when a magnet comes near, the reed wires are forced together to make the circuit.
  8. Electronics - Switches:
    Draw the symbol for a "On/off" switch and give another name for it.
    • Image Upload 12
    • another name is : SPST switch
    • (single pole, single throw)
  9. Electronics - Switches:
    Draw the symbol for a "2 way" switch and give another name for it.
    Image Upload 14

    • another name is SPDT switch.
    • (single pole, double throw)
  10. Electronics - LEDs:
    What does LED stand for?
    Light Emitting Diode
  11. Electronics - LEDs:
    When including an LED in any circuit, what must you remember to include, and why?
    To put a resistor in front of it in the circuit. This is because LEDs only need a tiny amount of current (max 30mA) and the resistor will dramatically reduce the current going into the LED so it doesn't burn out. LEDs typically operate between 10-20mA of current.
  12. Electronics - LEDs:
    What are the two legs of an LED called and which one is postive / negative?
    • Anode - negative (think of anti)
    • Cathode - positive (this leg is longer than the anode)
  13. Electronics - LEDs:
    What is the safe operating voltage of an LED?
    1.5 volts up to 5 volts
  14. Electronics - LEDs:
    What way should a LED be connected to a battery (postive / negative)?
    The negative ANODE should be connected to the POSTIVE BATTERY terminal.

    The positive CATHODE should be connected to the NEGATIVE BATTERY terminal.
  15. Electronic - Circuit Calculations:
    What is the formula relating voltage, current and resistance? What are the units of each?
    • V = I . R
    • V is voltage and is in VOLTS
    • I is current and is in AMPS
    • R is resistance and is in OHMS
  16. Electronic - Circuit Calculation:
    If a circuit has a 9V battery and the resistor is 200ohms, will the LED work ok (show why)?
    No the LED will burn out, because the current going though it will be too high.

    • Using V = I.R
    • I (current) would be 9/200 = 0.045A = 45mA. Most LEDs will burn out at above 30mA.
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Niamh Cullen tech y8 Electronics
niamh y8 tech electronics