賺錢 : 你不需要努力工作就可以賺錢
- Zhuànqián: Nǐ bù xūyào nǔlì gōngzuò jiù kěyǐ zhuànqián
- earn money : you dont need to work hard for earning money
蠟燭 : 基督徒在他們的教堂點蠟燭
- Làzhú: Jīdū tú zài tāmen de jiàotáng diǎn làzhú
- candle : christians lights candles in their churches
理由 : 我們活在這世界上沒有理由
- Lǐyóu: Wǒmen huó zài zhè shìjiè shàng méiyǒu lǐyóu
- reason : there is no reason why we are living in the world.
幸運 我很幸運有很好的家庭
- Xìngyùn wǒ hěn xìngyùn yǒu hěn hǎo de jiātíng
- lucky : i am so lucky to have a good family.
猜 : 我猜不出亞洲人的年紀
- Cāi wǒ cāi bù chū yàzhōu rén de niánjì
- guess : i can not guess asians ages
牆 一個房間有四面牆
- Qiáng : yīgè fángjiān yǒu sìmiàn qiáng
- wall : a room contains four wall
洞 : 我的零錢掉進那個洞裡
- Dòng: Wǒ de língqián diào jìn nàgè dòng li
- hole : i dropped my coin into that deep hole
信賴 信賴一個人需要時間
- Xìnlài xìnlài yīgèrén xūyào shíjiān
- trust : trust to someone takes a long time
強壯 : 如果哪個東西無法殺死我,他將使我變強壯
- Qiángzhuàng: Rúguǒ nǎge dōngxi wúfǎ shā sǐ wǒ, tā jiāng shǐ wǒ biàn qiángzhuàng
- strong : if something can’t kill me , that makes me strong
- Děng zhe qiáo
- wait and see : wait and see
葉子 : 有些樹有葉子但有些沒有
- Yèzi: Yǒuxiē shù yǒu yèzi dàn yǒuxiē méiyǒu
- leaf : some trees have leaf , some of them not
電梯 : 火災時不要使用電梯
- Diàntī: Huǒzāi shí bùyào shǐyòng diàntī
- elevator : don’t use the elevator if there is a fire
金屬 : 金屬不只是音樂, 它也是一種生活方式
- Jīnshǔ: Jīnshǔ bù zhǐshì yīnyuè, tā yěshì yīzhǒng shēnghuó fāngshì
- metal : metal is not only music, it is a lifestyle
棉被: 在冬天你需要蓋棉被
- Mián bèi: Zài dōngtiān nǐ xūyào gài mián bèi
- cotton blanket : you need to use cotton blanket in winter
職業 : 每個人都根據他的能力而擁有一種職業
- Zhíyè: Měi gèrén dōu gēnjù tā de nénglì ér yǒngyǒu yīzhǒng zhíyè
- occupation : eveyone has an occupation depends on their ability.
迷路 : 如果你迷路了,請查地圖
- Mílù: Rúguǒ nǐ mílù le, qǐng chá dìtú
- lost way : if you are lost, look at to the map.
銅 : 銅導電
- Tóng: Tóng dǎodiàn
- copper : copper carries electricity
分享 : 分享mp3是被禁止的,但每個人都這麼做
- Fēnxiǎng: Fēnxiǎng mp3 shì bèi jìnzhǐ de, dàn měi gèrén dōu zhème zuò
- share : sharing MP3 is forbidden but everyone do it.
田: 農夫在田裡收割
- Tián: Nóngfū zài tián li shōugē
- field : Farmers were collecting rices from fields
牙齒 : 你需要每天刷牙
- Yáchǐ: Nǐ xūyào měi tiān shuā yá
- teeth : you need to brush your teeth everyday.
油漆 : 如果你不幫你的牆擦油漆,它會看起還很糟
- Yóuqī: Rúguǒ nǐ bù bāng nǐ de qiáng cā yóuqī, tā huì kàn qǐ hái hěn zāo
- paint : if you dont paint your wall, it may look bad.
查 : 請上我們的網站查,如果你需要更多資訊
- Chá: Qǐng shàng wǒmen de wǎngzhàn chá, rúguǒ nǐ xūyào gèng duō zīxùn
- check : check our website if you want more information
資訊: 我們需要更多資訊去做那件事
- Zīxùn: Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō zīxùn qù zuò nà jiàn shì
- information : we need more information to do that