language arts

  1. allegory-
    a story in which characters,events,and places represent something in real life
  2. alliteration-
    repetition of same sound at beginning of a word
  3. allusion-
    brief reference to a person,event,place,or phrase.writer assumes will recognize the reference
  4. ambiguity-
    statement,which has 2 or more possible meanings.or.statement whose meaning is unclear
  5. analogy-
    similarity between like features of 2 things on which a comparison may be based
  6. anaphora-
    repetition of a word at beginning of successive phrases,clauses or lines
  7. anecdote-
    little story used to explain an idea
  8. antagonist-
    character that goes against the main character and tries to stop him/her from achieving their goal
  9. aside-
    device in which a character in a drama makes a short speech only heard by the audience not the other characters
  10. assonance-
    repetition of vowel sounds
  11. audience-
    person reading or viewing the story/writing
  12. autobiography-
    story of that persons life
  13. ballad-
    • short narrative poem written to be sung with simple dramatic action.
    • tells love death and supernatural or combanation of those
  14. biography-
    sroty of another persons life
  15. blank verse-
    unrhymed poem written in iamaib pentameter
  16. cacophony/euphony-
    • cacophony:unpleasent combination of sounds.
    • euphony:opposite,pleasent combination of sounds.
    • these effect can be used intentionally to create an effect or they may appear unintentionally
  17. characterzation-
    author presents characters
  18. chronological order-
    time order
  19. cliche-
    overused phrase
  20. climax-
    turning point in the story,determines the outcome of the confict
  21. comedy-
    story with happy ending
  22. compare-
    tell simularities
  23. consonance-
    repeats constants sounds,not vowels
  24. conflict-
    when some person or force in play opposes protagonist
  25. conflict types-
  26. connotation-
    emotional response suggestes by a word
  27. contrast-
  28. couplet-
    stanza of 2 lines,rhyming
  29. denotation-
    dictionary definition of a word
  30. descriptive paragraph-
    writing that looks like,sounds like,smells like,feels like,with many details
  31. dialect-
    variation of language by one group in one place
  32. diction-
    authors choice of words
  33. dramatic monologue-
    occurrence of a single speaker speaking ot a silent audience
  34. drama-
    play/story written to be acted out in front of audience
  35. dramatic irony-
    words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than for the characters.reader has greater knowledge then characters
  36. essay-
    writting attempting to review things from personal point of view
  37. euphemism-
    mild word or phrase,subsituting for another,would be undesirable because it too direct,unpleasent,or offensive
  38. exposition-
    drama, presentation of essentail info regarding what has occured prior to the beginning of the play
  39. external conflict-
    struggle exists outside of the body
  40. fable-
    brief tale designed to illustrate a moral lesson.often characters are animals
  41. falling action-
    series of events that take place after the climax
  42. fiction-
    prose narrative based on imagination,usually the novel or short story
  43. figurative language-
    words meaning more than individual meanings
  44. figure of speech-
    states something that is not literally true in order to create an effect
  45. first person point of view-
    the point of view were a character who is in the story is telling the story
  46. flashback-
    reference to an event that took place prior to the story/play
  47. foil-
    character opposite in personality to another character who is in the story,ususally same sex and age
  48. foreboding-
    hints that something bad will happen
  49. foot-
    unit of measurement in line of poetry
  50. foreshadowing-
    used to build suspence by provinding hints of what to come
  51. free verse-
    unrhymed poetry wiht lines of varying lengths,containing no specific metrical pattern
  52. genre-
    literary species or form...tragedy,epic, comedy,novel,essay,biography,lyric poem
  53. haiku-
    japanese poem
  54. iamb-
    metrical pattern of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable
  55. imagery-
    word/group of words in literary work,which appeal to one or more of the senses:sight,taste,touch,hearing,smell
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language arts
la terms