Buenos dias.
good morning
Bien, gracias.
fine, thanks
Buenas noches.
good eveing/night
Buenas tardes.
good afternoon
?Como esta usted?
how are (formal)
?Como estas?
how are you (familiar)
?Y usted?
and you? (formal)
Hasta luego.
see you later
Hasta pronto.
see you soon
?Como te llamas?
what is your name? (familiar)
please to meet you
?Como se llama usted?
what is your name (formal)
Me llamo.....
my name is.....
Mucho gusto.
nice to meet you
Quiero presentarte a.....
i would like to introduce you to...... (familiar)
Quiero presentarle a....
i wouls like to introduce you to.....(formal)
?Como se dice...en espanol?
how do you say.....in spanish?
?Como se escribe....en espanol?
how do you write... in spanish?
(No) comprendo.
i (dont) know
?Que es esto?
what does this mean?
?Que significa?
what does this mean?
Abra(n) el libro en la pagina.....
open your book to page....
Cierre(n) el/los libros.
close your book/s
Vaya(n) aa la pizarra.
go to the board
nieriano/a estadounidense
Puerto Rican
A la... / A las....
?A que hora de la manana?
at what time in the morning?
?A que hora de la noche?
at what time in the evening?
?A que hora de la tarde?
at what time in the afternoon?
?Cual es la fecha de hoy?
what is todays date?
Es la.... / son las.....
its ......o'clock
Hoy es.....
today is.....
Manana es la medianoche.
tomarrow is midnight
Manana es el mediodia.
tomarrow is noon
?Que dia es hoy?
what day is today?
?Que hora es?
what time is it?
Hace buen tiempo.
the weather is nice
Hace mal tiempo.
the weather is bad
?Que tiempo hace?
whats the weather like?
la temperatura
Possesive Adjective modifies noun & expresses ownership.
Nouns are singular or plural.
- If word ends in vowel add "s"
- All other words add "es"
- If word ends in "z" change to "c"
- All modifying wors have to agree with noun (singular or plural)
Irregular verb forms "tener"
(to have)
- tengo
- tenemos
- tienes
- teneis
- tiene
- tienen
Stem changing verb (1st person singular) "tener"
- tener (regular stem)
- tengo (irregular stem)
Subject pronoun (1st person)
- yo (singular
- nosotros (plural)
Subject pronoun (2nd person)
- tu (singular)
- vosotros (plural)
Subject pronoun (3rd person)
- el, ella, usted (singular)
- ellos, ellas, ustedes (plural)
Indefinite artcle "the"
- un (male singular)
- una (female singular)
- unos (male plural)
- unas (female plural)
Definite article "the"
- el (male singular)
- la (female singular)
- los (male plural)
- las (female plural)