Organ System

  1. Integumentary
    • protct deep org: mech, chem, bact injury
    • desiccation *drying out
    • excrete salts & urea
    • body temp
    • Vit D
  2. skeletal
    • support & protect
    • levers 4 musc action
    • cavities - BC formation
  3. Muscular
    • contract/shorten - locomotion
    • makes heat
  4. Nervous
    • detect changes - respond to stimuli - activate glands
    • maintain homeostasis via elect ssignals
  5. Endocrine
    • homeostatis
    • growth & dvlpmt
    • makes hormones - target organs
  6. Cardiovascular
    • transprt syst: carries blood (O, CO2, nutrients, wastes etc) ----> tissue cells
    • propelled by pumping of HRT
  7. Lymphatic/Immunity
    • picks up fluid leaked from bld vess & gives back
    • cleans bld of pathogen & wastes
    • Lymphocyes: antigens
  8. Respiratory
    • + O while - CO2
    • Acid-Base Balance of bld ---->
    • carbonic acid - bicarbonate buffer syst
  9. Digestive
    • breaks down Ingested food - absorbed by bld
    • undigested waste rem. (feces)
  10. Urinary
    • get rid of N wastes
    • (urea, uric acid, NH3)
    • keeps h2o, electorlye and A-B balance
  11. Reproductive
    • germ cells
    • sperm & eggs
Card Set
Organ System
11 organ systems