Chapter 14 Vocab

  1. habitat
    can be described as all of the biotic and abiotic factors in the area where an organism lives
  2. ecological niche
    is composed of all of the physical, chamical, and biological factors that a species needs to survive, stay healthy, and reproduce
  3. competitive exclusion
    states that when two species are competing for the same resources, one species will be suited to the niche, and the other species will be pushed into another niche or become extinct
  4. ecological equivalent
    are species that occupy similar niche but live in different geographical regions
  5. competition
    occurs when two organisms fight for the same limited resources
  6. predation
    the process by which one organism captures and feeds upon another organism
  7. symbiosis
    is a close ecological relationship between one or more organisms of different species that live in direct contact with one another
  8. mutualism
    is an interspecies interaction in which both organishm benefit from one another
  9. commensalism
    is a relationship between two organisms in which one recieves an exological benefit from one another
  10. paratism
    is a relationship similar to predation in that one organism benefits while the other is harmed
  11. poulation density
    is a measurement of the number of individuals living in a defined space
  12. population disperion
    is the way in which individuals of a population are spread in an area or a volume
  13. survivorship curve
    a generalized deiagram showing the number of surviving members over time from a measured set of births
  14. immigration
    the movement of individuals into a population from another population
  15. emigration
    is the movement of individuals out of a population and into another population
  16. exponential growth
    occurs when a population size increases dramatically over a period of time
  17. succession
    is the sequence of biotic changes that regenerate damaged community or create a community in a previously inhabited area
  18. primary succession
    is the establishment and development of an ecosystem in an area that was previously inhabited
  19. limiting factor
    something that has the greatest effect in keeping down the size population
  20. pioneer species
    the first organisms that live in a previously uninhabited area
  21. logistic growth
    a population begins with a period of slow growth followed by a brief period of exponential growth before leveling off at a stable size
  22. carrying capacity
    of an environment is the maximum member of individuals of a particular species that the the environment can normally consist and support
  23. density-dependent limiting
    are limiting factors that are affected by the number of individual in a given area
  24. secondary succesion
    the reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem in an area where the soil was left in tact
  25. density-independent limiting factor
    are aspects of the environment that limit a population's growth reguardless of the density of the population
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Chapter 14 Vocab