Thomas Hobbes
- *Leviathan
- *people are naturally cruel, selfish, and greedy
- *social contract-people give up rights for organized society
John Locke
- *Two Treaties of Government
- *people form government to protect their natural rights
- *life, liberty, property
Baron de Montesquieu
- *The Spirit of the Laws
- *government powers should be limited by dividing their respondsibilities into 3 branches
*demanded freedom of speech
Denis Diderot
- *Encylopedia
- *increase knowledge
- *change the general way of thinking
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- *Social contract
- *people are basiclly good-corrupted by society
- *government shouldd minimal control
- *good of the community above all
Mary Wollstonecraft
- *Vindication of the Rights of girls and boys
- *equal education for women
- *women should decide whats in their best interests
Adam Smith
- *Wealth of Nation
- *free market should regulate business activites
- *Symphony No. 9
- *Fur Elise
- *Symphony No. 5
*Eine Kleine Nachtmusic
- *Brandenburg
- *Air on a G String
*Ride of the Valkyries
*"Suprise" Symphony No. 94