Chp 17 Bio

  1. Biodiversity
    The variety of organisms consideredat all levels from populations to ecosystems
  2. Taxanomy
    The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms
  3. Taxon
    Any particular group within a taxonomic system
  4. Kingdom
    Linnaeus's largest category
  5. Domains
    The categories above the kingdom level
  6. Phyla
    Subsets below the kingdom level
  7. Classes
    What each phylum consists of
  8. Orders
    What each class contains
  9. Family
    Smaller than orders
  10. Species
    Contains a single kind of organism
  11. Binomial Nomenclature
    System of two part names
  12. Subspecies
    Variations of a species that live in different geographic areas
  13. Systematics
    The goal is to classify organisms in terms of their natural relationships
  14. Phylogenetics
    The analysis of the evolutiomary or ancestral relationships among taxa
  15. Phylogenetic Diagram
    Systematists often represent their hypotheses in the from of a phylogenetic tree
  16. Cladistics
    A system of phylogenetic analysis that uses shared and derived characters as the only criteria for grouping taxa
  17. Shared Character
    A feature that all members of a group have in commen
  18. Derived Character
    A feature that evolved only within the group under consideration
  19. Clade
    Group of organisms that includes an ancestor plus all of its descendants
  20. Cladograms
    Phylogenetic diagram
  21. Bacteria
    Made up of small, single-celled prokaryotic organisms that usually have a cell wall and reproduce by cellular fission
  22. Archea
    The second domain that also consists of prokaryotes
  23. Eubacteria
    A kingdom that aligns with the domain bacteria
  24. Archaebacteria
    The kingdom that aligns with the domain Archea
  25. Protista
    One of the four kingdoms of eukaryates whose members are called protists
  26. Fungi
    The second kingdom of eukaryotes that consists of eukaryotic, heterotrophic orgaanisms that are unicellulas or multicellular and that gain nutrients in a unique way
  27. Plantae
    The third kingdom of eukaryotes which consists of eukaryotic, multicellular plants
  28. Animalia
    The fourth kingdom of eukaryotes that are eukaryotic, multicellular, and heterotrophic organisms that develop from embryos
Card Set
Chp 17 Bio
Bio H