Surgical Terminology

  1. a, an-
    without or not
  2. ante-
  3. anti-
  4. dys-
    difficult, disordered, painful
  5. ecto-
  6. endo-
  7. hyper-
  8. hypo-
  9. inter-
  10. intra-
    within, during
  11. post-
  12. pre-
  13. retro-
  14. al-
    pertaining to
  15. cleisis-
    closure, occlusion
  16. desis-
  17. ectomy-
    surgical excision of
  18. itis-
  19. lysis-
    freeing of, reduction of
  20. oma-
    tumor or neoplasm
  21. orrhaphy-
    repair of
  22. oscopy-
    examine an organ by viewing
  23. ostomy-
    creation of an opening
  24. otomy-
    cutting into
  25. pexy-
    fix or suture into place
  26. plasty-
    restorative or reconstruction procedure
  27. adeno-
  28. arthro-
  29. blepharo-
  30. cardi-
  31. chole-
  32. cholecyst-
  33. col-
  34. colpo-
  35. cranio-
  36. cysto-
    urinary bladder
  37. dent-
  38. derma, dermato-
  39. entero-
  40. gastro-
  41. hema, hemo, hemato-
  42. hepato-
  43. hystero-
  44. jejun-
    second part of small intestine
  45. lamin-
    posterior vertebral arch
  46. mast-
  47. myo-
  48. nephro-
  49. neuro-
  50. oophor-
  51. ophthalm-
  52. orchio-
  53. os-
    opening or mouth; also, bone
  54. ot-
  55. pharyng-
  56. phleb-
  57. pneumo-
  58. procto-
  59. prostate-
    prostate gland
  60. pyelo-
    pelvis of kidney
  61. rhino-
  62. salping-
    fallopian tube
  63. spermato-
  64. splanchno-
  65. teno-
  66. thoraco-
  67. trachel-
    neck of uterus
  68. tracheo-
    trachea, windpipe
  69. ureter, uretero-
    tube from kidney
  70. urethra-
    tube from bladder
  71. vas-
    vessel or duct
  72. ectomy-
    Excision of
  73. Adenoidectomy-
    Surgical excision of Adenoids
  74. Adrenalectomy-
    Surgical excision of Adrenal gland
  75. Appendectomy-
    Surgical excision of Appendix
  76. Cecectomy-
    Surgical excision of Cecum
  77. Cholecystectomy-
    Surgical excision of Gallbladder
  78. Coccygectomy-
    Surgical excision of Coccyx
  79. Colectomy-
    Surgical excision of Colon
  80. Craniectomy-
    Surgical excision of Skull
  81. Cystectomy-
    Surgical excision of Urinary bladder
  82. Embolectomy-
    Surgical excision of Embolus
  83. Esophagectomy-
    Surgical excision of Esophagus
  84. Fistulectomy-
    Surgical excision of Fistula
  85. Ganglionectomy-
    Surgical excision of Ganglion
  86. Gastrectomy-
    Surgical excision of Stomach
  87. Glomectomy, Carotid-
    Surgical excision of Carotid body
  88. Hemicolectomy-
    Surgical excision of half of colon
  89. Hemorrhoidectomy-
    Surgical excision of Hemorrhoids
  90. Hydrocelectomy-
    Surgical excision of Hydrocele
  91. Hypophysectomy-
    Surgical excision of Pituitary gland
  92. Hysterectomy-
    Surgical excision of Uterus
  93. Laminectomy-
    Surgical excision of Posterior vertebral arch
  94. Laryngectomy-
    Surgical excision of Larynx
  95. Lobectomy-
    Surgical excision of Lobe of lung or liver
  96. Mastectomy-
    Surgical excision of Breast
  97. Mastoidectomy-
    Surgical excision of Mastoid Cell
  98. Myomectomy-
    Surgical excision of Muscle tumor
  99. Nephrectomy-
    Surgical excision of Kidney
  100. Neurectomy-
    Surgical excision of Nerve
  101. Oophorectomy-
    Surgical excision of Ovary
  102. Orchiectomy or Orchidectomy-
    Surgical excision of Testicle
  103. Pancreatectomy-
    Surgical excision of Pancreas
  104. Pericardiectomy-
    Surgical excision of Pericardium
  105. Pneumonectomy-
    Surgical excision of Lung
  106. Polypectomy-
    Surgical excision of Polyp
  107. Prostatectomy-
    Surgical excision of Prostate gland
  108. Salpingectomy-
    Surgical excision of fallopian tube
  109. Salpingo-oophorectomy-
    Surgical excision of fallopian tube and ovary
  110. Sequestrectomy-
    Surgical excision of Necrotic bone
  111. Splenectomy-
    Surgical excision of Spleen
  112. Stapedectomy-
    Surgical excision of Stapes
  113. Sympathectomy-
    Surgical excision of Sympathetic nerve
  114. Thromboendarterectomy-
    Surgical excision of Clot and lining of artery
  115. Thyroidectomy-
    Surgical excision of Thyroid gland
  116. Tonsillectomy-
    Surgical excision of Tonsils
  117. otomy-
    To cut into
  118. Arthrotomy-
    To cut into Joint
  119. Cardiotomy-
    To cut into Heart
  120. Cholecystotomy-
    To cut into Gallbladder
  121. Choledochotomy-
    To cut into Common bile duct
  122. Cholelithotomy-
    To cut into Gallbladder to remove stone
  123. Chordotomy-
    To cut into Spinal cord
  124. Colpotomy-
    To cut into Vagina
  125. Commissurotomy-
    To cut into Cusps of heart valve
  126. Craniotomy-
    To cut into Brain
  127. Duodenotomy-
    To cut into Duodenum
  128. Episiotomy-
    To cut into Vulva
  129. Hepatotomy-
    To cut into Liver
  130. Hysterotomy-
    To cut into Uterus
  131. Laparotomy-
    To cut into abdominal cavity
  132. Lithotomy-
    To cut into Duct or organ to remove stone
  133. Myringotomy-
    To cut into Duct Tympanic membrane
  134. Osteotomy-
    To cut into Bone
  135. Phlebotomy-
    To cut into Vein
  136. Pyelolithotomy-
    To cut into Kidney to remove stone
  137. Pyloromyotomy-
    To cut into Muscle of pylorus of stomach
  138. Scalenotomy-
    To cut into Scaleni muscles
  139. Sphincterotomy-
    To cut into Sphincter muscle
  140. Thoracotomy-
    To cut into Chest
  141. Tracheotomy-
    To cut into Trachea
  142. Vagotomy-
    To cut into Vagus nerve
  143. Valvulotomy-
    To cut into Heart Valve
  144. plasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive
  145. Arthroplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Joint
  146. Blepharoplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Eyelid
  147. Colpoplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Vagina
  148. Herniaplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Hernia
  149. Pyloroplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Pylorus or stomach
  150. Rhinoplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Nose
  151. Salpingoplasty, Tuboplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Fallopian tube
  152. Thoracoplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Chest
  153. Tympanoplasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Middle ear
  154. Z-plasty-
    Restorative or reconstructive Skin
  155. orrpaphy-
    Surgical repair of
  156. Colporrhaphy-
    Surgical repair of Vagina
  157. Herniorrhaphy-
    Surgical repair of Hernia
  158. Perinerorrhaphy-
    Surgical repair of Perineum
  159. Tenorrhaphy-
    Surgical repair of Tendon
  160. ostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between
  161. Antrostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Nasoantral window
  162. Cholecystoenterostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Gallbladder and intestine
  163. Cholecystojejunostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Gallbladder and jejunum
  164. Choledochojejunostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Common bile duct and jejunum
  165. Choledochostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Common bile duct
  166. Colostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Colon
  167. Duodenoduodenostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between two portions of duodenum
  168. Enterostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Intestines
  169. Gastroenterostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Stomach and intestine
  170. Gastrojejunostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Stomach and jejunum
  171. Ileostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Ileum
  172. Jejunostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Jejunum
  173. Nephrostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Kidneys
  174. Thoracostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Chest
  175. Tracheostomy-
    Make and leave an opening in the Trachea
  176. Ureterosigmoidostomy-
    Make and leave an opening or form a connection between Ureter and sigmoid colon
  177. oscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope
  178. Arthroscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Joint
  179. Bronchoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Lung
  180. Choledochoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Common bile duct
  181. Colonoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Colon from ileocecal valve to anus
  182. Colposcopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Vagina and cervix
  183. Culdoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Cul-de-sac to retrouterine space
  184. Cystoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Urinary bladder
  185. Esophagoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Esophagus
  186. Gastroscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Stomach
  187. Laparoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Abdominal and pelvic organs
  188. Laryngoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Larynx
  189. Mediastinoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Mediastinal spaces in chest cavity
  190. Nephroscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Kidney
  191. Peritoneoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Peritoneum
  192. Proctoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Anus
  193. Sigmoidoscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Sigmoid colon and rectum
  194. Urethroscopy-
    Examination of organ by viewing through an endoscope Urethra
  195. pexy-
  196. Hysteropexy-
    Fixation of the Uterus
  197. Nephropexy-
    Fixation of the Kidney
  198. Orchiopexy or Orchidopexy-
    Fixation of the Testicle
  199. Salpingopexy-
    Fixation of the Fallopian tube
  200. Ureteropexy-
    Fixation of the Ureter
  201. Abdominoperineal resection-
    Removal of rectum
  202. Amputation-
    Removal of a portion or all of the arm or leg; excision of other appendage such as uterine cervix.
  203. Anastomosis-
    Surgical joining of two organs or surfaces such as blood vessels or intestine
  204. Arthodesis-
    Surgical fusion of a joint
  205. Arthrodesis, triple-
    Surgical fusion of three joints of ankle
  206. Biopsy-
    Removal of tissue for diagnostic purposes
  207. Bypass graft-
    Surgical creation of a diversion for the bloodstream by suturing a graft to blood vessel so that blood bypasses an obstructed or weakened portion of the vessel.
  208. Cesarean section-
    Abdominal delivery of infant via incision in uterus
  209. Cauterization; conization-
    Use of electric current to destroy or remove tissue
  210. Circumcision-
    Excision of foreskin of penis
  211. Closure of colostomy-
    Closure of opening previously made in colon to empty bowel content outside abdomen.
  212. D&C or D&E (Dilation and curettage or evacuation)-
    Operation to dilate uterine cervix and scrape lining of uterus or empty contents or uterus
  213. Decompression-
    Surgical relief of pressure, such as intracranial
  214. Disarticulation-
    Amputation of an arm or leg at a joint
  215. Enucleation-
    Removal of eyeball
  216. Episiotomy-
    Surgical incision into perineum to prevent tears during childbirth
  217. Evisceration-
    Removal of viscera or internal organs; removal of contents of eyeball
  218. Palliative operation-
    An operation done to relieve symptoms rather than cure
  219. Pelvic exenteration-
    Radial removal of contents of pelvis
  220. Portacaval shunt-
    Surgical creation of anastomosis between portal and caval veins
  221. Skin graft-
    Transfer of skin from one site to another to improve function or appearance
  222. Splenorenal shunt-
    Surgical creation of anastomosis between splenic and renal veins
  223. T&A (Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy)-
    Excision of tonsils and adenoids
  224. Vein ligation and stripping-
    Tying off and removing a major blood vessel for treatment of varicose veins.
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Surgical Terminology
Surgical Terminology