chapter 6

  1. pruducts of the light reactions of photosynthesis that provide energy for the calvin cycle are?
    atp and nadph
  2. the energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds in a series of linked chemical reactions called a
    biochemical pathway
  3. NADP is important in photosyntehsis because it
    provides protons and electrons for some reactions
  4. the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to
    absorb light energy
  5. when light strikes an object the light may be
    reflected absorbed or transmitted
  6. energy is required for a variety of life processes including
    growth and reproduction, movement, transport of certain materials across cell membranes.
  7. the source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis is
  8. chemiosmosis is the thylakoid memebrane is directly responsible for
    providing the energy to produce atp molecules
  9. the electrons of photosystem 1
    are eventually replaced by electrons from photosystem 2
  10. the sun is considered the ulitmate source of energy for life on earth becasue
    either photosyntheti corganismims or organisms that have eaten them provide energy for all other organisms on earth
  11. the major atospheric byproduct of photosynthesis is
  12. at the thylakoid membrane,
    electrons return to their original energy levels
  13. light reactions:thylakoids::
    calvin cycle:stroma
  14. during hte calvin cycle carbon containing molecules are produced from
    carbon atoms from carbon dioxide in the air and hydrogen atoms from NADPH
  15. photosynthesis:oxygen::
    respiration: carbon dioxide
  16. which of the following can be produced form the products of the calvin cycle
    carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
  17. all organic molecules ocntain carbon at oms that ultimately can be traced back in the food chain to
    carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  18. the energy used in the calvin cycle for the production of carbohydrate molecules comes from
    atp made in teh light reactions of photosynthesis
  19. biochemical pathway: reaction::
    assembly line : workers
  20. suspended in the fluid stroma of chloroplasts are
    stacks of thylakoids called grana
  21. chlorophyll is green because
    it reflects green ewave lengths of light
  22. during photosynthesis the series of reactions that create the complex carb. needed for energy and growth is called
    calvin cycle
  23. what happnes when a chlorophyll molecule absorbs llight
    some of its electrons are raised to a higher energy level
  24. chloroplast:grana::
    photosystem: pigment molecules
  25. heterotrophs are organisms that can
    consume other organisms for energy
  26. the process whereby plants capture energy and make complex molecules is known as
  27. the calvin cycle of photosynthesis
    • requires ATP and NADPH
    • can occur in both light and dark conditions
    • generates glucose
  28. when electrons of a chlorophyll molecule are raised to a higher energy level
    they enter an electron transport chain
  29. organisms that harvest energy from either sunlight or chemicals in order to make food molecules are called....
  30. the abundance of oxygen in earths atomosphere is a result of millinons of years of
  31. the mian pigment associated wiht the two photosystems is
    chlorophyll a
  32. a photosynthetic pigment that absorbs primarily red and blue wavelengths of light and appears green is called {{_____while pigments that absorb other wavelengths and appear eyllow and orange are called____
  33. ____plants have an enzyme that can fix co2 into four carbon compounds.
  34. chemiosmosis in the thylakoid membrane results in the synthesis of_____
  35. stacks of thylakoids called____are suspended in the stroma of chloroplasts
  36. the second stage of photosyntehsis in wicch glucose is manufactured is called the
    calvin cycle
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chapter 6