
  1. Protists
    single celled, EUKARYOTIC cells (have membrane-bound organelles)
  2. How many protist species are currently known?
    Over 100,000.
  3. The Endosymbiont Hypothesis
    It is the idea that eukaryotic cells were formed from 2 prokaryotic organisms living together in a symbiotic relationship (both benefits)... evolved into a thing that could not live independently. The cell living inside the other became the eukaryote's organelles.
  4. Structure of Paramecium
  5. Pellicle
    Complex living outer layer of certain protists.
  6. Trichocysts
    Flask-shaped structure in the pellicles of some protists used to defend and anchor the organism.
  7. Gullet
    Indentation on one side of a paramecium that brings food from the outside the interior of the cell.
  8. Food Vacuole
    Membrane-enclosed cavity in protists in which food in digested.
  9. Anal Pore
    structure in paramecia and certain other protists through which waste material are emptied into the environment.
  10. Contractile Vacuoles
    Structure in some protists that collects water and discharges it from the cell.
  11. Reproduction of Paramecium
    • 1. Under most conditions, paramecium produces asexually by binary fission.
    • 2. For some circumstances, including starvation and temperature stress, paramecium will produce sexually by conjugation.
  12. Ciliate
    Protists that has many hairlike structures that aid in movements; belongs to the phylum Ciliophora.
  13. What phylum do Paramecium belong to?
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