1. Henry Lloyd
    Sometimes cited as the first of the muckrakers for his critical examination of the Standard Oil Company and other monopolies in the book Wealth against Commonwealth (1894).
  2. Jacob Riis
    an influential New York journalist and muckraker, exposing slum conditions in the book How the Other Half Lives (1890).
  3. Steffens
    Reporter whose articles on municipal corruption in McClure's magazine began to run in 1902 and were collected into the 1904 book The Shame of the Cities.
  4. Ida Tarbell
    Muckraker whose History of the Standard Oil Company ran in McClure's magazine in 1904.
  5. direct primary
    The nomination of candidates by the vote of party members; after South Carolina adopted the first statewide primary in 1896, the movement spread within two decades to nearly every state.
  6. initiative
    Procedure that allowed voters to enact laws directly if a designated number of voters petitioned to have a measure put on the ballot; first adopted by South Dakota in 1898.
  7. referendum
    Procedure that allowed the electorate to vote on an initiative up or down; first adopted by South Dakota in 1898.
  8. 17th ammendment
    Progressive reform from 1913 that required U.S. senators to be elected directly by voters; previously, senators were chosen by state legislatures.
  9. 16th ammendment
    income tax
  10. Frederick Taylor
    principles of scientific management, scientifically analyzed labor processes to reduce waste

    The original "efficiency expert" who, in the book The Principles of Scientific Management from 1911, preached the gospel of efficient management of production time and costs, the proper routing and scheduling of work, standardization of tools and equipment, and the like.
  11. Robert La Follettte
    • the wisconsin idea
    • wantd an efficient and scientific gov, direct primary, stronger rr reg, conservation of natural resources, workmen's compensation programs to support injured laborers.
  12. status of socialism
    in utilities, water, gas
  13. florence Kelley
    The head of the National Consumers League who spearheaded the progressive crusade to regulate the hours of work for women.
  14. the women's cristian temperance union.
    • wanted to close saloons
    • improve prison conditions
    • shelters
    • support female labor unons and womans sufffrage
    • 8hr workday
    • reg of child labor
    • better food inspection
    • free kindergartens
    • uniform marriage/divorce laws across states
  15. the nat'l child labor committee
    led mvmt for banning child labor
  16. muller v oregon
    Supreme court ruling in 1908 that upheld a ten-hour work day law for women largely on the basis of sociological data regarding the effects of long hours on the health and morals of women.
  17. lochner v NY 1905
    the sc voided a 10hr workda b/c it violated the workers' liberty of conract ot accept an terms they wanted.
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the progressive era