Level 2 pharm, part 1

  1. alprazolam (Xanax)
    antianxiety agent
    • 1. Indications: Treatment of: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Panic Disorder. Management of anxiety associated with depression.
    • 2. May produce CNS depression.
    • 3. Renal problems, possible dependence.
    • 4. Flumazenil is the antidote.
  2. meperidine (Demerol)
    opioid analgesics
    • 1. indications: Moderate or severe pain (alone or with nonopioid agents)• Anesthesia adjunct• Analgesic during labor• Preoperative sedation
    • 2. Not for use with head trauma, increased ICP, renal problems, or patients on MAO inhibitors (death)
    • 3. Monitor for CNS stimulation (restlessness, seizures, irratiblity)
    • 4. Narcan: antidote (may cause seizures)
    • 5. Pt can OD. Admin slowly over at least 5 minutes (resp. depression, HTN, circulatory collapse)
  3. Narcan (Naloxone)
    antidotes, opioid antagonists
    • 1. Indication: reversal of CNS/resp. depression.
    • 2. Monitor VS.
    • 3. Caution with CV disease.
    • 4. can cause withdrawal on pts with long-term use of opiods.
  4. butorphanol (Stadol)
    opioid analgesics
    • 1. Indications: Management of moderate to severe pain• Analgesia during labor• Sedation before surgery• Supplement in balanced anesthesia
    • 2. Caution with head trauma, IICP, renal problems, alcoholism.
    • 3. Extreme caution with MAO inhibitiors (fatal)
    • 4. Pt can OD. Admin over 3-5 mins.
  5. amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin)
    • 1. Indications: Treatment of a variety of infections including» Skin and skin structure infections» Otitis media» Sinusitis» Respiratory tract infections» Genitourinary tract infections
    • 2. Observe for s/s of anaphylaxis (rash, edema, wheezing).
    • 3. Monitor bowel function (problems up to several weeks after cessation).
    • 4. Instruct pt to notify doc with in gastric problems, fever.
  6. erythromycin/Ilotycin/EES
    • 1. Indications: u and l resp tract inf., otitis media, skin inf, diphtheria, syphillis, Legionaires', rheumatic fever.
    • 2. Useful with penicillin is best, but can't use it.
    • 3. interaction with pimozide and several 'zoles, 'dones, 'zems. (arrhythmias)
    • 4. Don't confuse with azithromycin.
  7. levofloxacin (Levaquin)
    • 1. indication: bacterial inf.
    • 2. lower dose with renal problems.
    • 3. Watch for anaphylaxis.
    • 4. Monitor bowel function.
    • 5. Instruct pt to call doc with stool problems, jaundice, tendon pain.
  8. insulin (Lantus)
    • 1. control of hyperglycemia
    • 2. SE: hypoglyemia, anaphylaxis.
    • 3. Assess for s/s of hypogly. (anxiety; restlessness; chills; cold sweats; confusion; difficulty in concentration; drowsiness;trouble sleeping; excessive hunger; headache; irritability; nausea; nervousness; tachycardia; tremor; weakness)
    • 4. Risk for serious pt harm/death.
    • 5. Instruct pt on s/s of hypo/hypergly.
  9. metformin (Glucophage XR)
    • 1. Indications: Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus; may be used with diet, insulin. Control of blood glucose levels.
    • 2. Assess for ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis, F&E levels.
    • 3. Must be swallowed whole.
  10. Oxytocin (Pitocin)
    • 1. Indications: Induction of labor at term. Facilitation of threatened abortion. Postpartum control of bleeding after expulsion of the placenta.
    • 2. Therapeutic Effect(s): Induction of labor. Control of postpartum bleeding
    • 3. Assess fetal maturity, presentation, pelvic adequacy.
    • 4. SE: Coma, seizure, fetal asphxia, fetal: ICP
    • 5. Instruct pt to expect contractions after admin has started.
  11. misoprostol (Cytotec)
    antiulcer agents
    cytoprotective agents
    • 1. Indications• Prevention of gastric mucosal injury from NSAIDs in high-risk patients (geriatric patients, debilitated patients, or those with a history of ulcers)• With mifepristone for termination of pregnancy
    • 2. Unlabelled Use(s):• Treatment of duodenal ulcers• Cervical ripening and labor induction
    • 3. Do not confuse Cytotec (misoprostol) with Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide)
    • 4. PO: Administer medication with meals and at bedtime to reduce severity of diarrhea
    • 5. Causes spontaneous abortion. Childbearing-aged pts must be informed.
  12. Magnesium oxide
    mineral electrolyte replacements supplements
    • 1. Treatment/prevention of hypomagnesemia. • Essential for the activity of many enzymes• Play an important role in neurotransmission and muscular excitability.
    • 2. PO: Give with a full glass of water
    • 3. Advise patient not to take this medication within 2 hr of taking other medications, especially fluoroquinolones, nitrofurantoin, and tetracyclines
Card Set
Level 2 pharm, part 1
Drugs on first level two pharm test.